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At school i try to ignore Hero and the red-haired girl. Oh, yeah, i have seen her. Stassie is talking all the time about the party and some creep that tried to get her number. I stay quiet and dont talk about my partying experience. I'm glad no one told her about me kissing Hero. I met him a couple of times in the corridor but all those times i just turned and walked away. I heard him run after me but i never gave him a hint that i would stop and listen to him. Everytime i think about kissing him in front of other unknown people. Everytime i remember our kiss i blush. Honestly,i just dream about having none.

I dont listen to what Emie tells about her picnic with her family. Zach kicks me under the table a few times but i just look at him blindly. I see Hero talking and laughing with his friends. Our eyes meet for a second and his smile faints away. I turn away but from the corner of my eyes i see that he freaks out and throws his fork across the table. I cant help smiling. I know it is stupid of me but i feel triumphant. I know i shouldnt and what did i do? A guy wants to talk to me , apologize probably and i am juat acting like an idiot – hide from him and run away. I am an adult and i have to act like and adult. I will talk to him but later. Maybe i can drop by at his place later and talk everything out properly this evening. But, to be honest, i dont thibk so. At least, right now.

When it is time to go to Maths, i stand up quickly and walk to the class. Lots of students fuss around as they are all late for their classes. I am almost there but someone grabs me by my hand and i have to stop. I turn around to kill this somebody with my eyes but i see Austin.

'Hey,Jo,' he says a bit shyly.

'Oh, hi,' i say and blush. I try to pull my hand and he lets go gently.

'havent seen you in a while.'


'So how are you?'

He acts strange like he is ashamed of something. Oh, fuck, i hope they dont know.

'Fine,' i say feeling awkward. What does he want from me?

'Cool. I just wondered if you are free tonight?'

I feel my eyes grow wide. Well, i was expecting this question.

'Uhmm, yeah. Do you need some help?'

'No, i wanted to ask you on a date.'

I see him blush. His eyes look down. Wow, a handsome guy invites me out. He is not Hero. I dont wanna see anyone but Hero. But maybe it could work. Suddenly i see Hero standing a bit far from us. He is watching and his eyes are sad. I dont know why but my instincts tell me to act like a bitch.

'Okay,' i say.

Austin seems like he doesnt believe my words.


I nod.

'Cool, i'll grab you by six, so be ready.'

I smile to him and he leaves. I dont see Hero behind us. He must have left. The bell rings and i have to go to class.

Right at six p.m. i hear a horn outside. Like a silly girl in love i run to the window and see Austin's car. I check my hair and clothes. I look fine but not too dressed up. I still have my jeans and longsleeve on. I run downstairs and meet Kate's curious stare.

'So you're dating Austin Butler now?' she asks smirking.

'That's none of your business,' i mutter, grab my keys and run out of the door.

'Ready to have the best evening ever?' asks Austin as i get into his car.

'Sounds creepy.'

'Oh, sorry,yeah, you're right.' He blushes again. What the heck? Does he like me?

'So where are you taking me?'

'Do you mind so movies?'

I rememer the last time i went there. It doesnt make me feel scared to something. I just hope it wont happen again. Last time Hero saved me from my fears. Hero.. I wonder what he is doing now. Probably my sister told him about my date and now they are joking about it or else. I remember waking up next to him. It was awkward. Like really awkward. This will be a lesson for me - i must drink anything at the parties with other kids from school!

'So?' i hear Austin's voice.

'Movies will be fine,' i say..i hope Austin will save me, too.

We go on some action movie. Austin is such a chatterbox. He is commenting every scene, every word. I smile and nod from time to time. The only thing that saves me is popcorn. I dont feel that boring then.

We leave the building and walk along the street. Austin tries to take my hand but i pretend like i dont notice it and pull my hand away to tuck my hair or something like that.

'Do you wanna go anywhere else?' Austin asks.

'Uhm, actually i would like to go home. I dont wanna go to bed to late.'


I cant say what Austin feels.i dont see his face as he walks to his car. I hope i didnt make him upset. I dont wanna give him a hint that i'm his gf now but i dont wanna make him sad. I get into his car in silence and we drive. This silence is awkward.

'I'm sorry,' i mumble.' I had a great time but i am really tired and wanna sleep. I dont wanna fall asleep in the middle of our conversation. And i dont want you to think thay i am bored or anything ,' i lie but i dont wanna be honest and say that i didnt wanna come in the first place.

'Oh, i see. Dont worry, i get it. I'm actually tired myself. We have to play almost everyday till midnight and today the coach gave us a day-off so i decide to spend it with someone.'


'You dont like football,' he states as i cant say anything else.

'It's fine actually. I went to some matches but i cant say that i am a fan.'

'I see.'

The silence between us is awkward. I would kie to be a chatterbox and tell him everything about my life but i am not. I cant just talk about some rubbish to unknown people.

'tell me about your plans on future and college. Are you going to college?' asks Austin.

'Uhm, i dont have any plans. I just wanna be a vet and i try to take one step a time.'

'So you like animals.'

'Yeah,kinda. My parents are doctors so i wanted to do something of that kind since i can remember myself.'


'And what is your plan for life?'

'I'm gonna to college, play football and maybe i wont have to study.'

'You dont like studying.' I giggle.

'Yeah, and you?'

'I do, but i am not a nerd or weirdo.i just study and i love knowledge.'

'I see.'

Another awkward silence. When i see my house, i relax. I can go back to my room and forget about this evening. I think i like Austin but not the way he would think.

'So, i liked this time with you,' Austin says as he stops his car.

'Yeah, it was nice to spend some time together,' i say and purse my lips. My hand is already ready to open the door and run away.

'Maybe we can repeat.'

'Yeah, just call me,' i lie. Honestly, i dont wanna go out again. 'So, see ya at school,' i almost open the door when Austin stops me.

'Wait. I wanted to tell you something else.'

'What?' i ask and turn my face to him. He doesnt answer and instead of saying anything he just smiles. What is wrong with him today?

'See you tomorrow,' he says smiling. I nod and leave his car. I feel so awful right now. His car rides away and i just walk home on my jelly feet. He didnt cause me butterflies or anything. I am just tired. I open the door and realise that he is going to say that he is my bf.


sorry for this short and shitty part. I think we all need a bit drama and heart-breaking. I dont like happy endings but i'm trying.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now