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Have a Hero's pov for you. Sorry for shortness

I jump out of fear.

'What are you doing here?' repeats Hero his question.

My body is still shaking as i didnt expect him to follow me.

'and you?' i squeak.

'I got your message and i wanted to talk to you in person but when i knocked on your door, your mom said you had just left to our house. Then i saw you here,' Hero explains.

I realise that my hand is still on the knob.

'Dont,' Hero says gently and takes my hand away but keeps it in his. 'Let's get out of here,'he suggests and i nod. We walk towards my house and then enter it heading right to my room. Hero feels himself at home and falls on my bed grabing one of my books from the desk while falling. I close the door and dont come up to him immediately. I feel a bit nervous as i wanna start my little inquiry again.

'So what are we gonna do now?' Hero asks looking through the book. He looks bored.

I wanna tell him immediately what is on my mind but i feel nervous. I bite my bottom lip and Hero takes his eyes from the book. They are examining.

'Come here,' he pats a plave text to him and puts the book to my desk which his height allows him do that. I obey and sit next to him.

' tell me about your Halloween costume,' Hero says.

'Ugh, hate to tell ya about it,' i say and hide my face in my hair.

'Why?' he laughs.

'Girls forced me to buy a Harley Queen costume,'

'Oh, i would love to see it on you,' he says, smiling.

'Nah,' i laugh.

'Why?' he laughs back.

''cause i wanna something else. It reveals too much,' i confirm and blush. But never let Hero say anything.

'And what about your costume?' i ask playfully.

'Oh, it's gonna be my annual costume.'

'What'd ya mean by annual?'

'Just a costume that i put on every year,' he shrugs casually.

'and what do you put on every year?' i ask with my raised eyebrows.

'Oh, i's just my dracula costume.'

'Are you serious?'i burst into laugh. Hero nods. 'Is it part of you being in a sect?' my brows raise again and i still cant stop laughing.

Now it's his turn to raise his brows and not in a playful manner.

'oh, shit,sorry,i wasnt,' i start as i slowly realise how stupid it was of me to mention his friends,

'It's okay,' he says gently and pats my hair.

'so maybe i should dress up as one of your brides, Mr. Dracula?' playful mood comes back to me.

'Uhm, i actully love this idea,' he says.

And the next hour we spend talking and laughing but our happy moments dont last long because Hero is a seniour and he has to study harder than me plus i dont go to school this week. He leaves me along to my boredom and i decide to go to bed extra earlier.  I didnt talk to Hero about my suspitions. Maybe i ahould just drop it. Or i am afraid i may really find myself in this horrible place

Cast on my arm doesnt help me washing. I stare at it for a few second and then curse myself when my eyes meet my reflection. When i finish i feel like i have been wrestling for an hour. I change into pyjamas and get under my blanket in the complete drakness.

Hero's POV


Alex and i are playing basketball in the stadium.

'So what's on your mind?' he asks.

'I met a girl,' i answer and it might sound like in some romantic movies.

'Cool, man . but what's with Molly?'

'I dont know, man. She is amazing but i'm a bit tired.'

'And what's with the girl?'

'Her family has just moved in. They are my new neighbours.'

'Wow, man, cool. Have you asked her out?' and he wiggles his brows.

'No, i cant get rid of her sister.'

'Oh, man! And what about this girl?'

'I guess i'm good with her sister for now. You should see her. She is really beautiful.'

'Oh, stop, dude. But what with her sis? Are you gonna try?'

'Dunno, man. Maybe. Should i?'

'If she stucked in your head, then for sure!'

And Alex throws the ball through the basket. Fuck, i cant concentrate on the game when all my thoughts are full of this blonde girl.

'But i'm still with her sister, kinda,' i say. I dont wanna cause fight between them.

'Try to get to now more about this girl,' and he hits another goal.' Ask her sister about her and maybe just ask her out when her sister will be somewhere else.'

'Sounds like a good plan,' i say and throw the ball into the basket.

'I know, man.'

'Are you gonna tell her about us?'


'And if Austin chooses her?'

'Well, he will have to choose another girl,' i say and the ball goes right through the basket. 


Have some announcement for you. The next chapter will be the last one in this story, well, i also have an epilogue but it is too short that on the whole i have only on chapter left. Thank you for staying with me and reading my story, i know that some of you dropped it  long ago and are happy that it has finally done but i am still glad that you stayed and read.  

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