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I gasp. It must be so loud that people turn and look at me. Hero gets my confusion, he turns me around and walks me to my house. As we step in my yard, mom and dad show up.

'What happened?' mom asks and jumps out the car running to the crowd. I dont wanna see her overreact so i let Hero walk me into my house. We do the usual things like homework and have some dinner or it is better say we had frozen pizza as we were both too lazy to cook something. When we are both done, i go downstairs with Hero. We dont even sit, when mom runs inside.

'We are moving!' she screams and my hand grabs Hero's for steady.

'what?!' i snap.

'We are moving!' mom repeats.

'But we cant! I have school to finish!' we hear and then see Kate in the living-room. Hero and i were so busy that we didnt hear her come.

'You can finish it somewhere else, honey, so let's pack our bags,' says mom more calmly. She stops and then look at me and Hero.'Hero,can you leave us alone?' she asks.

I look at Hero with a look that is almost begging for not doing what he was asked to do. My other hand moves to his, but Hero only nods sadly and leaves us. I watch him walk through the door.

'Why are you doing this?!' i ask hysterically.

'How cant you see, Josephine? We cant stay here, it is not safe!' says mom trying to convince me.

'i dont give a shit whether it's safe or not! But i'm tired of this damn constant moving!' i scream and run upstairs back to my room.

'You cant speak to me like that, Josephine!' mom shouts behind me and i slam the door shut. I lean against it not letting my mom to come in.

'Josephine,open the door!' she comands but i dont give up. Tears fall down my cheeks and loud sobs shake my chest hard. Why is this always happening to me? Emotions are overwhelming. When mom stops trying to open my door and step up and grab my cell. The idea seems so crazy but it is my only option. I deal the number and come up to my window. He is lying on his bed with a laptop on his lap. When he sees his cell ringing... have i just seen reluctance? But he picks up immediately.

'Take me away!' i beg the moment i see him press the cell to his ear.

'Jo? Are you alright? What happened?' he sounds worried and stands up.i dont see his face as he probably knows that i am watching him.

'i just need you to take me somewhere,please,' i beg once more.

'Okay,' he says a bit confused. I watch him leave his room.

'Meet me at my back door,' i snap and run there I hope mom is not waiting for me. When i open the door the corridor is clear. I hear only some distant rumors from the downstairs. The voices are loud so i guess they are arguing. When i come down, yep,they are. No one sees me so i take this chance and run as fast as possible to my back door. I only hear mom's worried voice when i slam the door shut. I need another minute to run to Hero's car. He is already waiting right next to my driveway. I jump in and command to go as i see mom open the front door and run towards us.

We have been riding for thirty minutes now. Hero doesnt ask questions so we are riding in a complete silence. We pass by the center and then i can see only woods.

'Where are you taking me?' i ask him when i realise that it is quite dark outside and i dont wanna stuck in the middle of nowhere.

'Dunno,' he says dreamly. 'Where do you wanna go?'

'Dunno,' i say sadly and then i have an idea.if it is one of my last nights then i need this. 'Let's go to the bar.i wanna get drunk.'

'Are you sure?' Hero asks concerned.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now