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And the next moment i start to panic. The panic overwhelmes me. Where did he go? Are there girls? Is my sister with him? I relax in a minute when i here Kate go to bed. I feel so tired that i fall asleep immediately but i cant sleep long. A phone call wakes me up in the middle of the night. I look at my alarm and i see that it is a bit after midnight. I look at my screen and see Hero's name on it. I answer and put the cell to my ear.

'Hi, Jo,' i hear him saying from the other side.

'you know that it is night, right?' my voice sounds so raspy.

'Yeah – he chuckles – what are you doing?'

'Sleeping, you idiot.'

'Mind if i come and join you?'

'No! It is night and we have the alarm set. I dont want anyone to wake up.'

'It didnt work other times.'

'Yeah, 'cause we didnt set it then or i unset it for Kate to enter safely.'

'So you dont wanna see me.'

'I do! But i am too lazy to get up and meet you.'

He sighs.

'okay, maybe next time. Sleep well, Jo.'

'Bye, Hero.'

Fuck, it was so stupid of me. I could have let him in... Fuck, i cant stop thinking of him. I get out of my bed and go to the window. I see a small light in Hero's room. He is lying on his bed with a cell in his hands. I see his dog on his bed too. Why didnt i see it the times i was in his room? Suddenly Hero gets up and walks out of his room. Where did he go again? Oh, he must have gone to the bathroom. Fuck, i am so jealous. I go back to my bed. I put one leg on it when suddenly i hear alarm. Fuck, did Hero..? No, it couldnt be him. I run out of my room into the corridor. I see Kate's head popped out too. She looks sleepy and doesnt realise what is happening too.

'What the hell?' she asks.

' Dunno. Maybe someone got in our house,' i say. We both go to the stairs and see our dad running about the first floor.

'Dad! What's going on?' i ask. Kate and I are getting downstairs slowly. We see mom hugging Margo in the sofa. They both have fear on their faces.

'someone tried to get in our house,' says dad. The front door is open qide. Why did he? Who is it? Is it a robber? Kate and i join mom and Margo. Kate hugs them.

'Why is the door open?' i ask dad.

'It was wide open when we heard the alarm,' says mom.' Your dad is trying to watch the videos from the cam to see who was that.'

'Why cant you just close it?' murmurs Kate. She stands up and goes to the door. She pushes it but the door doesnt get closed. Instead something, more like a wind blew it shut. Kate and Margo give out small screams and my elder sister runs back to the sofas.

'What was that?!' she shouts.

'Just a wind,' says dad calmly. He walks up to the door slowly and pushes it close. The door lets him do that. We all breathe out in relief,

'Shit , i got so scared!' exclaims Kate.

'Kathrine, dont curse!' commands mom.

'But you saw yourself, mom! The damn door just got opened itself!'

'But your dad managed to close it.'

Mom seems like she doesnt want to admit it. Is it happening again?! I know that tomorrow we will be packing our things. I watch dad watching videos and i see him frown. I wanna ask what it is on the screen but then we hear the door open again slowly. I look at mom and my sisters. Their eyes are wide open. A deep fear is tatooed on their faces. I look at my dad. He noticed the door too.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now