III.) to create is to destroy

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Mixed emotions are felt when the girls bid their goodbyes. It was bittersweet in my part because I want to spend more time with them but this is just a small event, more like a catching up from an old friend where you say hi and exchange each others gifts.

The staff, security, and the girls were packing their stuff and the gifts they recieved from the fans. I can still see Chaeyoung firmly holding the piece of handwritten letter I wrote specifically just for her. I took one last glance before deciding to go home turning to the opposite direction of the street.

I was eating the food they've prepared and daydreaming about some stuff. 'those eyes, they never lie' I thought to myself as I'm trying to remember the look on her face when she saw me. The cold breeze of Seoul were nothing compared to her warm aura radiating in her.

Eyes held passion, sincerity, it's like giving the warmest thank you for literally doing nothing but for existing.

'I swore there was something different' I thought to myself as I am about to cross the pedestrian away from the venue earlier, a huge truck beamed on my left and honked loudly as it drove past infront of me. The impact was a bit harsh, too harsh that it made my butt first on the cold road.

I groaned in pain as I heared gasps from the witnesses, mostly from the blinks. Considering the fact that the Blackpink management are still here, my safety is bound to them. They saw what happend and the security helped me get up. My foot must've been ran over by the heavy truck because I couldn't walk properly and my ass is on fire from how hard I fell to the ground.

"You okay kid?" A deep voice asked me, I looked up to see a bulky man with huge muscles, he must be the body guard of the group.
I tried to respond but all I could manage was a groan. He nodded to the other security as they took me to their van. I'm still groaning.

"What happened? Is she okay?"
I heared a soft familiar voice worriedly asking to the guards.

"She couldn't walk nor speak properly, we should get her to the hospital before she gets worse" The security replied

"N-no, I'm-I'm fine really"
I managed to croak out

"Are you sure kid? You seem to be in a lot of pain" He replied.

The girls and the security discussed something before turning to me
"Let's just get her to the house and call the paramedics, so we can ensure her safety till tomorrow" Said Jennie with a hint of superiority in her voice.

The guards and the driver nodded before speeding off.

With that, I felt the van move signaling we are going to their house. I fell asleep along the car ride.

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