The staff, security and all the other faculty members came first in the company before the girls. I woke up early and prepared all my needed things for today and left, not bothering to say goodbye to the girls since they needed the rest they're having right now.
The sky still looks dark and the lamposts are somehow lit along the road. I arrived at the company a bit early because we're gonna have a meeting regarding the upcoming comeback of the girls. I saw Sana waving at me and I went to her.
"Half of the security must be inside the venue and the other half must stay outside, the photographers and videographers must all stay inside, Ms. Lee and Mr. Jung you get to capture the whole fancam of the girls, assign someone to help you with that, Y/N and Sana you two must capture the best shots of the girls, I want them all nice, organize and neat because we're going to publish that at the end of the concert." Manager-nim commanded to us as we listen attentively to his instructions
"The stylists must double check their wardrobe each piece they wear, sound system team must triple check and fix all the errors we could encounter and to make the concert run smoothly, as for the other staff members, you need to tell me all the things you find inside that are lacking or be there for the girls once they're at the backstage to make the work faster." He sternly commanded as he took a deep breath and look at us one by one
"Anyone wants to ask something? None? Okay pack up and prepare everything you need to prepare, be down by 30." He said disappearing into the room
"I won't advice you to avoid being nervous but don't expect too much and just have fun and do the work that you're assigned to." Sana said, seeing me all tensed up since it is my first time to work in a concert
"Besides, you're with me, I won't make your first day feel like crap." She laughed genuinely making me laugh aswell
"Sana, thank you for everything. Please have a long patience with me." I frowned earning a pat on my shoulder for reassurance
"I will now let's go downstairs and meet the others." With that, we left
The girls arrived and they are now inside the company probably having their briefing too.
Meanwhile, us staff members are already outside waiting for them.
We formed a line in front of the entrance of the company, one line to the right and one line to the left in front of the line was the van we're going to use when we'll go to the venue.
Sana and I slighty sat onto the ground because our legs became paralyzed from standing up for too long and decided to share our photographs.
"Look at your friend here she looks like a duck." She said reffering to her girlfriend Jeongyeon
"This one too! What is that hair?!" We both laugh at Jeongie's silly pictures
"Here, I have a picture of her sleeping and oh my god she's drooling!" We supress our laughter as she kept snorting by covering her mouth so hard
We both clutched our stomach in pain because of laughing too hard and allow ourselves to subside from being hysterical.
I wiped my tears from laughing and said "Jeongie is surely-" I haven't even finished talking as I saw her hold up her phone and showed me a picture of Jeongie in a funny snapchat filter, and we were laughing again, her face scrunching in return.
We became a laughing mess having a hard time recovering. Thank god were wearing a mask, if not then we could've swallowed all the staff here.
We were so engrossed by my best friends hideous photos that we haven't notice that the girls are outside and Rosé was looking bitterly at our direction. Oh no not again

Romance"fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you'll be in love forever."