XVI.) you got a friend in me

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I woke up and felt something was on my hips, I struggle to open my eyes and I saw Chaeyoung sitting on top of me.

"Wakey wakey babe, it's time to go." She whispered on my neck

"Ugh, the sun's too bright, close those curtains." I groaned in annoyance

"But I love mornings! The sun, the birds, the daylight. C'mon stop being grumpy and get your ass up." The church girl commanded

We both went to the bathroom to clean ourselves up and wore casual clothes since the weather is fair today. The clouds are not in sight and the sun is shining all over the place, thankfully the wind is a bit strong so we won't be sweating underneath our clothes.

Chaeyoung requested to go at a record shop after we ate at the café, since she said it's been a long time since she spent her time just roaming around the city.

Chaeyoung requested to go at a record shop after we ate at the café, since she said it's been a long time since she spent her time just roaming around the city

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I took a picture of her when I saw how she's deeply into the albums scattered all around the shelves. I was looking at the racks and saw her in a little space between the two shelves in front of me so I decided to capture this moment as a memory without her knowing. She looks even more beautiful when she's unaware of her surroundings.

"Oh my god! An Elvis vinyl? Is there another stock for this one?" She asked the lady in the counter and left to look.

"What's the matter?" I held her waist as I asked

"I wanted to buy this one but the cover is a bit smudged, so I asked if there are any stocks left that the cover is not ruined." She said while pouting

I instinctively pouted back and pecked her cheeks and we laughed foolishly.

"Here you go miss, it's the last one I found so you're very lucky." The lady politely said to her

"Thank you so much." She gave her a curt nod and went to purchase the vinyl.


We decided to head home because she already misses the girls and wanted to tell them the story once she gets home. Same as for me, since I promised to Jeongie that I will give back her car after 3 days.

"Thank you for making me the happiest even in the short amount of time. I felt like it's been a long time ever since I was this happy." She said smiling warmly at me

"You're always welcome, and thank you too because you allow me to experience all this stuff with you. I love you Rosé." I said and kissed her lips

The kiss was warm, and full of gratitude, passionate. Along the kiss it became full of longing, not wanting to let go, afraid of being alone again in bed. It became needy and before I knew it, she pulled away because she's out of breath.

"See you at work, I'll miss you." I tell her kissing her forehead and cupping her cheeks

She leaned on my palm and held the back of my hand

"I'll miss you more, see you Y/N." She said closing her eyes afterwards

I kissed her once more and went outside the car to open the passenger seat.

"Say hi and thank you to the girls for me." I said

"Yes I will. Tell Jeongie I said hi too." She said hugging my waist. I hugged her back engraving the moment in my memory as if it was the first time I picked her up here.

I waved back to her at the gate and waited til' she's inside the house and went inside the car and left.


"Ah, that's my bestfriend!" Jeongie said clinging her arm around my shoulder while ruffling my hair.

"Thank you for the help really." I genuinley tell her

"Yah, stop being mushy, shouldn't you be treating me to a delicious restaurant?" She spat back at me

"Fine fine get dressed we're going." I smiled at her silliness.

She went to her bedroom and I decided to call Hanbin to tell him the good news.

"Yah, Hanbin, She said yes!" I exlcaimed through the phone

"Ahh Y/N, see I told you she'll say it. You deserve it really. I hope she won't hurt your pure soul." He sounded like my brother

"She won't she's a nice girl and thank you very much for helping me." I said

"No problem, let's catch up soon alright? I should get going though, I have to take care of my nephew I'm really sorry. And congratulations for the both of you." I can tell he's smiling while he said that

"Alright alright, thank you again and see you soon." With that I hang up and texted the girls a thank you and converse a little and put my phone inside my pocket.

Jeongyeon came out of her room fully dressed and clinged her arm around mine.

"Let's go?" She cheerily said her teeth shining from smiling wide

"Let's go!" I matched her energy and jog towards the car.

Chaeyoung's pov

"Ohhh someone's glowiiing." Jennie said hiding my face from all the gifts Y/N gave me.

"I think someone's taken, don't you think unnie?" Lisa said to Jisoo earning nod from her

"Unniiieees, stop ittt." I whined at them

"I guess you said yes? How was it? You have some story telling to do eh." Jisoo said to me

I told them the whole story from the start and now I knew why they don't tell me what's wrong with Y/N because they too are part of the plan, these ladies really. I also told them the song she made for me, the car, the dinner, the hotel. Everything I told them and they listened intently as if my lovelife are their only source of happiness. I thanked them for the reservation and complimented the place because the food they serve there is ace.

"We're so happy for you Chaeng." Jisoo said

"Yeah, you really deserve it, you guys match together! I'm glad you two enjoyed." Jennie added

"Yah, if she hurt you don't hesitate to tell us so I can finally put these shoulders in use." Lisa said flexing her muscles in front of us.

"Yah-Lalisa, don't be dramatic. I don't feel like she'll hurt me in any way but sure I'll tell you guys right away if there's wrong." I tell them while giving them a smile


Third Person's pov

All the characters in the story fell asleep safe and sound unaware of the next misfortune that's about to happen.

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