XII.) the plan

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Ever since I met her, my outlook in life drastically changed positively in just a blink of an eye. The photos that I capture now held beautiful meanings behind them, fruitful stories trailed off to them, all of my miseries were gone in an instant and it's all because of her.

My life became sunny and the roses indeed became the rosiest because of her.

I'm finally asking her to be my girlfriend. I want to be sure that our feelings aren't one sided, yes we kiss and stuff but it's better if we still have a label to cling on in times of difficulties.

This past few days I became intentionally cold to her and it's all part of the plan. I felt bad whenever she tries to reach out and ask what was wrong but I always give her the cold shoulder and short responses. I just kept wishing that the days would just drag faster so I would stop giving the silent treatment to her.


After working as a photographer in the company for several months now, I became closer to almost anyone who also works and manages inside the agency.

May it be girl groups, solo artist, and even boy groups. I've talked to Hanbin and said to him about my plan and he happily agreed to help me.

He is a very good song writer. A lot of people recommends him to write them a masterpiece. I don't know where he gets his inspirations to his works considering he doesn't have a special someone.

"Wow, this sounds really romantic, even I, would fall for myself." I exclaimed to him

I told him I'm asking a girl out to be my girlfriend and I want to make her a song, I didn't drop a name just because, and he didn't even reacted differently, he nodded as if it's a normal thing a friend would do.

He helped me vocalize and find my own genre. After for like a month, we finally made the song. And I must say it is indeed beautiful. I hope Chaeyoung would say yes.

"Yah, you made that yourself Y/N, I'm only here to help you, you sing really good." He replied smiling at me

"You were a really great help Hanbin, really. How am I gonna repay you?" I asked

"You're welcome, we're family here right? so don't bother, it's my gift for you and your soon to be girlfriend. Please take it as a gift instead." He reassured me

"Goodluck and I really hope she'll say yes." He said genuinely smiling at me

We both said thank you and promised to spend some time soon and waved goodbye.

With that I left the music room and went to Jeongyeon.


"Awww my little sister is doing the first move.... I'm such a proud unnie." She said dramatically

I let her be mushy about the plan since she genuinely looks happy making me uncomfortable.

"Yes, and I came here to ask you something." I said sucking my breath in

"Anything, just things that doesn't involve money okay?" She replied as she raised her index finger at me giving me a warning

"It won't be anything related to money. I just wanted to ask if... May I borrow your car?... Just for 3 days." I suddenly added the '3days' because if I haven't, then she won't lend me the car

"My car? What for?"
"Uhm, maybe to drive I'm not sure" I sarcastically replied

She rolled her eyes at me as she's about to turn away from me I grabbed her wrist
"No, I'm just kidding, I'm sorry." I hastily said

"Uhm, as I've said earlier, I made Rosie a song and I kind of want to use your car as our stereo and I might drive her around the city while I play it. We might go for a short road trip too."

I explained giving my best puppy eyes at her.

She crossed her arms and huffed
"Only for 3 days?"

"Only for 3 days." I crossed my heart as I promised to her

"In one condition." She said smirking

Oh god not again...

"You would treat me food once you get back. So make sure you get to make her say 'yes' to you. I did not groom this car for nothing."

"Aish, fine fine where are the keys?"

She tossed it to me as I catched it and said thank you to her.

Music: Checked
Car: Checked
Reservation: Checked

Her members decided to make a reservation for us two in a fancy restaurant and I thanked them for it, they kept on insisting of not bothering to pay for it. Hope this works out

So far, my plan is working but there's one thing left yet unchecked; Roseanne

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