I opened the door of the Blackpink house and made my composure calm. Like nothing ever happened, like I didn't just disappear for 3 days, like the woman the I love the most: Park Chaeyoung, didn't break my heart. Now I'm here, despite all of what happened, I always find myself coming back to her.
I was about to enter my room when I heard quiet sobs coming from inside. I hesitantly grabbed the door knob and slowly twisting it to finally open the door.
I saw my woman lying on my bed clutching my shirt sobbing her eyes out, when her eyes landed on mine, I gave her a real smile I could muster despite feeling empty for 3 days and it worked. She abruptly sat up and hugged me tightly.
"Y/N, p-please don't l-leave me like t-that again." She struggled to form her words from hiccups caused by her cries.
She clutches on my neck a bit tight while she stains my neck from her tears.
I was shocked by her sudden actions that I froze in my place for a minute, so I lifted my arms and put my right hand onto her hair and the other to her waist.
"I'm sorry." Is all I could say. Even if I'm not the one at fault
I continued raking my hands through her hair to make her calm and her breathing stable.
After a few minutes, she finally loosen her grip on my neck and she's now just sniffing while staying in the embrace for a bit longer.
I held her for how long she wants to until she decided to pull away.
"I was worried sick about you." She hoarsely said
"I know I'm sorry. I'm here now so no need to worry." I said while faking my smile and wiping her tears away with my thumb
The rest of the day was composed of me seldomly speaking around them while she's being clingy around me and not letting go of me even if I'd use the bathroom.
I couldn't blame her though, I would be mushy around her too without a doubt but that 'thing' kept bugging inside my mind and it's annoying as fuck.
"Next time make sure to give me some reports regarding your absencess. Tardiness is what I hate the most in my office. Kids nowadays." ahjussi-Cha huffed while stacking his paperworks scattered around his desk.
"Yes sir, I'm so sorry." I bowed to him not even bothering to look up to me, so I decided to leave his office.
This was my 3rd time having this type of session to him, the first one when my best friend and girl friend became overwhelming to me, the next one was when my vices became a distraction in my way and now this. How can you blame me? I couldn't do anything but to sigh and get back to work.
I was walking in the company's hallway until I came across the girls' rehearsal room and decided to peek, they are almost done with their practice and I saw how beautiful my girlfriend is even when she's covered in sweat, seeing her made my heart hurt. When she saw me, I smiled and decided to speed up and leave.
Not too long after, the door creaked and I heard her call my name and I looked behind me.
She walked up to me and clutches the hem of my shirt as she looks up to me.
"What's wrong?" She asks staring deeply into my eyes
I looked away and sigh configuring my words
"I just got scolded again." I stated flatly
She cupped my cheeks while telling me soothing words, wanting to comfort me.

Romance"fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you'll be in love forever."