X.) rekindle

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There isn't much to do for today but to add some final touches to the photos yesterday and that's it. Since yesterday I almost finished editing half of it and showed it to ahjussi Cha for approval and called it a day since it was getting late.

The girls are currently rehearsing for their comeback and I'm at the studio finishing the remaining sets of photos from yesterday. Sana and I haven't talked to each other after the incident and I felt bad so I decided to go up to her and explain.

"Uhm, S-Sana" I hesitantly approached her
She turned her direction at me, her expression was hard to read
"I just want to apologized from what happened yesterday." I started not earning any response from her so I continued
"I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of her like that."
She sigh and started talking
"You don't have to, I knew from the start she likes you from the way she stares at you." She said smiling, catching me off guard

"And I was not embarrassed at all, I kind of knew what was coming." She trailed off
"Thank you...so much for understanding the situation, it really means a lot." I genuinely smiled at her
"No problem. So, how was she? Did you made it up to her?" She asked
"I-yeah, she was mad jealous but she somehow melted when I assured her." I replied smiling
"That's good to hear." She replied chuckling as silence filled the both of us

"You know, I kind of admire you when I first met you, but when I saw how she's with you I knew I had to step back. So now I've managed to just think about you as my friend." She confessed

I am in awe at how brave she is right now.

"Wha-I-...I'm sorry Sana, thank you so much for understanding, really, thank you." I apologetically said to her
"It's fine no need to say sorry idiot. Besides, it was just pure admiration, I'm seeing someone now actually." She said full of confidence
"Oh really? who's the lucky person? Hmmm.. You got some spilling to do sis." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows, we both laughed and said

"So, friends?" I held my hand out for her to shake
"Friends!" She said happily as she took my hand and shook it

We sound like kids


My work is done and ahjussi Cha already approved all my finished products and gave me the permission to do whatever I want.

I decided to go to the cafeteria downstairs to grab some food for the girls since it's lunch time.

I went to the dance practice room of the girls since I assume they are currently on a break.

I knocked on the door and Jisoo opened it for me, "Unnie, have you eaten? It's already lunch I brought you guys something to eat." I said lifting the bags infront of her

"Yah, Y/N, how'd you know I love fried chicken?" Jisoo asked excitedly as she took the food away from me while looking inside the paper bag
"Of course, who doesn't love fried chicken right?" I chuckled

I look around the room and saw Rosé sitting on the floor, her back is facing away my direction. I went behind her since she has her earphones on, she didn't hear the interactions from earlier.

I sat behind her and hugged her waist and rested my chin on top of her shoulder. "The 1975? Wow, missy have a taste." I teased her as I saw what's playing on her phone

"Oh, Y/N, you scared me." She said angrily as she giggled afterwards
"Oops, my bad. I brought some foods, wanna eat?" I asked

Of course the answer would be yes why did I even asked in the first place

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