XLI.) avowal

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Seulgi's pov
"Unnie, you need to come home quick! It's an emergency!" My cousin blared through the phone call as I hastily prepared my purse and headed downstairs.

"Baby, I won't be able to come for later, there's an emergency at home. Please take care and have fun! I love you I have to go." I kissed her lips quickly not giving her a chance to make up a response as I started the car and drove my way to my parent's house.

Your pov
I was watering the plants on our front yard as I heard the front door slammed open making me shriek. There comes my girlfriend in a rush shuffling her keys in her fingers.

"Baby, I won't be able to come for later, there's an emergency at home. Please take care and have fun! I love you I have to go." She said in one breath as she jog her way through the car and started the ignition not bothering to wait for my reply.

I understand her situation as I head back inside the house to grab my phone and to text her my response because that's the only way I could reach out to her for now.

Is something wrong? Text me once you get there and tell eomma and appa I said hi. Take care baby, I love you.

I put my phone down and shifted my gaze through the wall clock that reads "1:30". I still have a lot of time to prepare before the 'catching up' would take place. I guess I'll be alone with her again.

As much as possible I don't want to be with Chaeyoung 'alone'. She reminds me of how unfaithful my brain gets whenever I spend time with her. Because she knows how to use her charm and charisma to me, very magnetic. I hate the way I gravitate my way back to her whenever my life is completely tranquil. She ruins the peacefulness I have with Seulgi right now but in an annoyingly mind blowing way.

I decided to call Rosé to let her know that Seulgi couldn't make it for today because of an emergency.

After some few rings, the line was picked up

"Hello? Y/N?"

"Oh hi Rosé, uhm, I just called to tell you that Seulgi couldn't be with us for later. But the reservation in the restaurant has already been booked, are you still fine with that?" I told everything to her in one breath.

There was a short pause on the other line and a faint sigh was heard through the phone as she spoke.

"It's fine, it's fine. Why won't she make it later?" She asked

"She said it's an emergency and she was rushing to drive the car earlier. But it's fine, I told her to update me whenever she can." I remembered my girlfriends face earlier making me think what was the phone call all about.

"Ohhh, I see. Well, I gotta do some errands Y/N. I'll just text you when I'm done."

"Yeah sure sure, take your time. See you later." I chuckled softly to lighten the mood

"See you later!" She responded as the line went off.

Chaeyoung's pov
After Y/N had called me, briefing me about what happened to Seulgi and what will happen for later, is making me think twice about the whole situation.

A day with Y/N alone? In a luxurious restaurant? What could possibly happen?


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