IX.) like money, green, little jealous

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Chaeyoung's pov

"Hold that pose... yes! Perfect, now turn slightly to your left... yes like that, now look to your right, Perfect! Alright *clap* It's a wrap!"

One of the photographers says as we wrapped up our stuff and prepared to go home.

We've been in front of this blinding lights and camera's for like an hour now and I must say I am impressed, it went smoothly. The hardest part maybe was when we would change our outfits and having a little amount of time during the intervals was a mess but we managed to give our best shot for the photoshoot.

I said bye to the other staff as I retouched my make up in the dressing room and went outside to check out my previews shots. I heared someone laughing as I enter the studio and I saw Y/N infront of her laptop editing the photo's and Sana behind her telling some jokes about god knows what as they laugh together loudly, forgetting that they are not alone in this room.

Y/N's pov

Sana kept on joking as we kept cracking up making it harder for me to edit these pictures properly. She's telling me her past editing 'techniques' which was a mess but kept on insisting it was a 'technique' as we laughed loudly. Thank god half of my co-workers already left, it would be embarrassing if they see a newbie laughing obnoxiously inside the studio.

I heard someone cough, and we turned our direction from where it came from, I saw a poker faced Chaeyoung glaring at us, if looks could kill we'd be a dead meat by now. I gulped as Sana excused herself and left as I nodded in her direction. Shit she looks scary.

It's always the soft and bubbly ones who looks scary as hell when they're angry, because you don't know their face once they get mad.

"Uhm, hey Rosie, I-I-, great job on the shoot earlier, you definitely s-slayed it." I kept on stuttering oh god this is not good

"Thanks" She dryly replied leaving no emotions on her face
As I look around finding something to say, when I'm about to open my mouth to speak she leans in and my eyes went wide I swear to god I felt my heart went up to my throat I almost choked.
"May I see?" She asked looking at my laptop as she speak
I nodded and showed her her photos.

"You look really good in this one, i-it's actually my favorite because you look dauntless." I tell her pointing at my laptop
"Is Sana your girlfriend?" She blurted out
"W-what?" I stuttered
"You heard me." She replied dryly
"We...No we're just friends." I finally said
"Hmm" She hummed in response and left to meet the girls

"Y/N, that's enough kid, you can go home now and rest." ahjussi Seung-won said patting my back
I nodded at him and closed my laptop, and gathered my stuff and put it inside my bag. We said bye and bowed to each other.

The driver opened the car door as I saw Chaeyoung busy on her phone and I went inside, Sana by my side. It was an awkward silence so I decided to play games on my cellphone until we get home.


"Is she on her period?" Lisa asked Jisoo
"Did you annoy her during the photoshoot?" Jennie asked back to Lisa
"Yah, why'd you always blame me?" Lisa whined
"Stop it guys, maybe she's tired." Jisoo reassured the girls

I stayed quiet during their conversation and continued to use my cellphone as they all went silent. I peeked to see what's wrong and 3 pairs of eyes are staring right through me.

"What?" I asked looking at their judging eyes
"Do you know something about this?" Jennie asked the gaze was intense holy fuck
"Me? No, I don't." I replied as I continued to play games

They finally decided to drop the topic

"Y/N, you hungry? Want to join us?" Jisoo invited me
"No, thank you, I'm not hungry." I smiled back at them to avoid any suspicions.
She nodded and they went down in the kitchen to eat.


"You won't answer, and your door was unlocked so I've decided to enter." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed, she was faceing away from my direction.
"Rosie, please let's talk." I nudged her lightly. No response.
I walked to the other side of the bed and kneeled to face her.
"Rosie, please talk to me." I said as she avoided my eyes
I cupped her cheeks and she closes her eyes and opened them again finally looking at me.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked her
She just continued to stare at my eyes for 10 seconds without muttering a single word.
I rubbed my thumb against her cheek waking her up from her daydream
"No" she whispered
"Why are you ignoring me then? And why did you stormed out of the car and went straight to your room earlier? The girls are worried. I'm worried." I softly asked her not wanting to add fuel to the fire she's feeling

"Just go hang out with Sana and leave me alone." She said turning around til her body is laying flat on the mattress.
I sat on her bed as I faced her since she won't face me and hovered over her until there's only little space between our faces. She stared me intently as I did too and whispered
"Are you jealous?" I saw her gulped and saw a sign of defeat in her eyes.


I took it as a 'yes' and smirked in victory as I moved away from her face.
"Come on, let's join the girls downstairs, I know you're hungry." I held out my hand for her and she grabbed it.
"I'm sorry. And by the way you look cute when you're jealous but don't ever starve yourself, that's just not Park Chaeyoung. The Chaeyoung I know adores all the food you put in front of her." I said to her as I helped her to stand up

"And no, I don't feel anything to Sana romantically, she was with ahjussi Seung-won when we went to the bistro that's why we're close." I added as I intertwined our hands.
She finally decided to smile after sulking on the way home.
"There, that's what I'm talking about, never wipe away that smile again." She nodded as we went downstairs to join the girls.

"I hate you." She said to me while grinning


Author's Note: I'm having a hard time updating because our wifi suddenly became slower than usual and it's pissing me off big time. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and I want to give my sincerest gratitude to those who reads my fanfiction, it is my first story to put out in this field and to share it with you guys means so much to me, I'm glad for all the feedbacks that my little baby is getting. Thank you! Saranghaeyo!

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