"Wow these are really good!" Cha Seung-won exclaimed
"Right? I told you she has potential." Chaeyoung replied to him
"She can start tomorrow, tell her to bring her own needed equipments and she should always be on time, I'll talk to her 10am sharp" He sternly said to her
Chaeng nodded
"Noted oppa" Jennie jokingly chimed in~flashback~
"Hey y/n, what are you gonna do once you go home? Unfortunately, we can't stay in this house forever." Lisa said to me
"Yeah, tomorrow is monday, we would be super busy starting tomorrow." Chaeng said, sadness leaving her mouth as she speak
Chaeyoung's pov
I became nervous when Lisa brought this topic up, Y/N and I just met and we both suddenly clicked. I've never felt like this to someone before. When I was a teenager, I wrote on my bucketlist that I want my first love to be fun. I want to remember it as my youth, I also wrote a song about being lonely and wanting to be in love so bad.
And now that y/n's here, I might cross that out on my list and write a real love song. I can't control the fact that she might leave again and I can't afford this type of heartbreak right now.
As I stare right through her and thought,
'please, don't go' maybe 10 timesY/N's pov
"I will go to my apartment and wait for another call for another job and do my usual routines. It's unfortunate I know but what can I do?" I said defeated
I feel like Chaeyoung and I both thinking the same thing, seeing her expression while I speak. I badly want to spend more time with them but there's nothing I can do.
"OH SHIT I HAVE AN IDEA" Lisa enthusiastically said making us all look at her
"Our photographer oppa Chang Seung-won, we could ask him if you could work as a photographer for us since I heard last time he's looking for someone who knows how to photograph and edit at the same time, since he was having a hard time doing both." She said
"Oh yeah, last dinner when you showed us your shots they look so great, I feel like oppa would want your works since you guys seem to have the same taste in photography." Jisoo said as Chaeng nodded seemingly agreeing to each other like they have the same thought.
"We are having a meeting in the company later, we could ask him when we go there." Jennie suggested and they all agreed
They dressed up and left as I went to my room and slept
~end of flashback~
Chaeyoung's pov
I'm so happy right now, y/n would be so happy to hear the news when we get home. I can't wait to finally tell her.
"Stop bouncing ehh" Lisa said placing her palm above my head to stop me from bouncing up and down
"Yah, I'm just happy leave me alone" I said gently pushing her away
Although our team have a lot of photographers, what they needed the most was an editor, and I think Y/N would really fit this job because she's very passionate about photography.
Y/N's pov
"Really?!" I said a little bit loud
"Yes! and he said you can already start for tomorrow, you just have to bring your own equipments and meet him in the company 10am sharp" Chaeyoung said putting emphasis in every word as she let me absorb everything she says"Oh but my stuff is in my apartment how-" I said as she cut me off
"It's okay, the management will help you pack and bring all your stuff here, since you only own important things like clothes and gadgets" She said as if the job was not a dream already"I get to live here too?" I asked
"Yes, now dress up and show us the way to your apartment" She said
"You sound like my mom" I teased her
She made a fake gasp and put her hands on her hips "I-how dare you?"
"How dare me? how dare you telling me to dress up, I'm already dressed missy" I spat back the banter
"Oh please you look like a hobo" She rolled her eyes and giggles
I was wearing a huge hoodie and a huge sweatpants. What? Seoul is a cold place how can I not."Okay okay I'll get dress get out my way shoo shoo" I gently pushed her and made my way to the guest room. She prepared some clothes for me, A huge t-shirt and jeans. After I wore it I made my way out.
"So this is your little home huh?" She said as she looks around my place
"Yeah a home indeed" I replied as I put my stuff in a duffel bag
"You've managed to make it look so comfortable even though its not that spacious" She complimented
"You think so?" I asked her
"Yeah, you have all your needed stuff to get through the day, and look at this posters and art frames, the designs too, and those little decorations, minimalist but all in tact. It speaks a lot about you, It looks like you, if you ever become an apartment." She said"You're ruining the moment" I faked the hurt in my voice as we laughed
We went home and I started unpacking my stuff and took out my camera as I tried it out to see if it's still working and my laptop for editing, when I tested that they are all in good condition I went to the girls rooms and said thank you and goodnight and we all fell asleep.

Romance"fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you'll be in love forever."