XXX.) release

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Your pov
I woke up with the sound of my doorbell ringing around my apartment. I hastily grabbed my hoodie to cover my naked body and rushed towards the door.

In the doorway, there's Rosé standing infront of me looking elegant as ever, never failing to take my breath away. She's holding some paper bags which I assume contains food.

I scanned her up and down just admiring her and not believing that she's aging so fine like a wine.

She shyly smiled and blushed until she made me snap back to reality and step aside to let her enter my place.

I closed the door as we just stood there staring at each other.

"How'd you..." I trailed off, wondering where she got my address

"Oh, right. Jeongyeon told me, since I assumed you're still asleep when I texted you." She said in one breath

The athmosphere became thick and neither one of us spoke making the sound of our own breathing audible.

"Have you eaten? I-I brought you some breakfast, uhm lunch, I mean, brunch. Since it's almost noon." She stammered not knowing where to land her beautiful eyes.

"Oh thank you, put it on the table over there." I assist her

Her eyes wandered around these four walls as a small smile was plastered on her lips.

"Nice place you got here, it looks very comfy." She complimented

I scratched the back of my neck while looking at everything but not to her.

"Uhh, yeah it is. Thanks." I replied

She looked at me scanning my facial expression wanting to read my emotion as I felt my lips tremble a little bit because of the tension that's building up between us.

It feels like I'm in a room with a stranger. She's so close yet so far.

"Come on, have a seat." I tell her as we sat down on the sofa


We ate all the food that she brought as we converse and catch up everything that we missed with each other, along our conversation, we stumbled upon my bedroom as we lay down and relax. At first, it went smoothly until she told me about a certain place in LA which made me remember the day, her and Chanyeol spent time together.

I answered all her questions like a little kid she is, and giving her short but honest answers.

"You could've told me before you made the decision, I'm your girlfriend remember?" She asked looking at my face. I was staring straight away from her but I could still see her looking at me in my peripheral view.

"Yes, but our schedules aren't the same, so I was unable to find the right oppotunity to tell you about it." I replied putting my arm below my head as I look up the ceiling

Silence filled my bedroom as we could only hear our breathing in a dimly lit lamp beside my bedside table.

"I miss you." She blurted out while wrapping her arms on my waist and looking up at me

My eyes found their way to her mouth which is now agape waiting for my response.

"I missed you too." I said back while placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

She managed to make me fall in love with her all over again, I was deeply head over heels for her and now I am willing to worship her to make her feel my devotion to her.

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