VII.) cheers

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I stepped out of the car and went inside the YG building. I am 10 minutes early for my meeting with Cha Seung-won, and I'm quite nervous for his reaction once he see me in person.

I waited for the elevator to open and when it's about to close someone came rushing to it and I put my hands in between the doors before it closes.

I was met by a girl with blonde hair tied in a messy bun as she has a camera slinged around her neck, and pile of papers in her hands.
"Thank you" She said panting from running before. I smiled at her "Where are you heading?" I asked
"3rd floor" She replied

 I smiled at her "Where are you heading?" I asked"3rd floor" She replied

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Thank god we are heading the same way, I don't want to be late. I want my first impression to be professional.

The whole ride was silent until a 'ding' was heard in the elevator. I let her out first and I noticed we were heading in the same direction, I wondered maybe she's one of the photographers here since she is bringing a camera.
We entered Cha Seung-won's office and she handed out the paperworks to him and left.
He turned his chair around facing me as he straightened his posture
"Take a seat" He said, with no emotions whatsoever
I sat on the chair provided and gulped but still remained calm.
"So, you seem like a very good photographer considering the Blackpink girls recommended you to me." He started the conversation, not expecting the sudden compliment coming from a person with a blank face like him
"I-I, Yeah they're the one who recommended me to you." I dumbly replied

Because let's be real here, if someone compliments you on the spot and caught you off guard, what would you even say right?

"Well, I won't give you a hard time for today, I just want you to familiarize the place and get along with the other staff members, is that cool?" He said followed by a warm smile since he could see me being tensed up in my seat

"Oh, really? I mean, are you sure?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows
"Yes, and besides we're not that busy today, you're lucky to have the job today because tomorrow there will be a photoshoot and that's when the real job happens." He said as he kept his hands doing those gestures like a reporter would do
"Sure thing sir, thank you, I really appreciate it." I said

And I suddenly remembered my bartending days because of how dreamy this past few days are becoming for me, the alcohol, the loud music, the adrenaline, the feeling I've felt in my veins every night I worked there. And so I decided to invite him as a token of appreciation for his offer.

"Do you, maybe even, perhaps like to have a drink with me later? As a sign of respect and gratitude for this job" I requested to him
"Me? It's fine kid. I always put my trust with my co-workers, but later this night my schedule is not that tight, so yeah see you later I guess." He replied making my eyes wide with happiness

"By the way, I may bring someone later since I'm also with the other co-workers this night, is that alright?" He added hesitantly
"Oh it's fine, that's even more better, we'll get to know each other better." I replied happily
"Alright alright, you can go now and don't stress out yourself, tomorrows schedule would be hectic, be on time and take plenty of rest kid." He reminded me with a smile.

It's been so long since I've talked to someone who's like a father figure to me. He kind of reminds me of my dad.

I said 'thank you' to him and headed out of his office to roam around and have a little chitchat with the staff I see around the building
I haven't seen the girls since they're busy rehearsing their dance choreography.

~ Night time ~

I went to a bistro near the company so that my co-workers won't be having a hard time driving far late this night.

I texted Cha Seung-won the place and while I wait for them to arrive I ordered a cold beer.

15 minutes later I heard the door chimed in and saw him with the blonde girl I shared a ride in the elevator earlier. I waved my hands for them to see me and they took a seat with me.

"Y/N-yah, sorry for making you wait, I can't find my keys earlier, I'm getting old" He said chuckling
"It's okay oppa" The tipsy side of me said
"Oh I forgot to introduce, Y/N this is Sana, and Sana this is Y/N" Cha said to us
"Oh yeah I know her I-" He interrupted me "You guys know each other?"

"No, but we bumped into each other in the elevator on the way to your office earlier, I thought you noticed." I clarified
"Oh I haven't, I really am getting old" He amusedly said

Oppa ordered soju and bulgogi like a typical Korean dad would, while Sana also ordered a cold beer

Soju is for the people who's reuniting with an old pal, a brother, or a grandpa. You know, like the one you see from kdramas, it's always those 'appa' who drinks this drink

On the other hand, cold beers can be clasified as stress reliever, rebellious teen wanting to taste beer for the first time, or not having other options because you're not a fan of alcohol but orders it anyway because you're surrounded by people who drinks alcohol. It's like saying 'I do not drink, but my friends are right now so there's nothing I can do'

As a former bartender, I can't help but to judge their choice of beverage to myself.

She didn't talk that much around new people, she came here and mainly conversating with Cha only and small talk towards me.
But when the cold beer kicked in her, she is very bubbly and very knowledgable about things, politics, art, and food oh god she talks about food like her life depended on it.

Cha Seung-won kept eating and just listening to us talk as the night goes on and we decided to go home. I insisted on paying for the food since I was the one who invited them. Both of them asked me if they could get my number and I said sure, Sana said it's for 'business purposes' after finding out she's my co-worker.

I got home and went straight to the guest room since the girls are probably asleep at this point and are also probably snoring because of how tired they are practicing all day. They deserve it anyway.

As I am about to close my eyes my phone vibrates signaling I have a text from someone

Fr: Unknown
This is Sana, just texting you so you could save my number, thank you for today. See you tomorrow.

"business purposes indeed"

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