XI.) beautiful day

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"Am I hearing this correctly?" Jeongyeon asked facing her right ear to me
"Yes, dumbass, I'm working as a photographer in YG. I can't believe it either." I explained to her

We've been inside this secluded coffee shop that she found for about half an hour now, it is filled with adults, businessmen, and those who wander around the city. The fact that it's secluded, the amount of customers stopping by can be counted using only my fingers.

"Holy shit." She whisper yelled to me
"Yeah I know, we don't have any label yet, but we like each other. That's what matters right?"
I told her the story from the beginning starting from the Guerilla event, the accident, getting to know the girls, moving out, getting a job, and lastly, Rosé.

Jeongyeon's pov
I should come visit her more often then since I've been seeing Sana for some time now and she also works as a photographer in that company.

"Can I visit you some time?" I asked hoping to get a 'yes' as an answer
"Uhm, I just don't think they would let you enter the hous-"
"No, I mean in the company, just say I'm your relative so I can get pass by the security." I pushed
"Jeongyeon-ah" She sigh in response
"Come on Y/N, grant my wish please..." I gave her the best puppy eyes I could muster
"Not working." She replied looking away
"This will be my last request I promise." I clasped my hands together in hopes of her giving up

"Fine... but don't do anything stupid, I know you." She finally granted
"Oh my god! thank you! and yes I won't, I promise I'll behave."

Y/N's pov
She's acting weird right now, why would she want to visit me in the studio if we could go out like this to meet up. I was very curious so I asked her.

"Why do you want to go to the company so bad? I mean, we can meet up like this any time you want."

She opens her mouth but then closed it again and sigh
"Just don't laugh okay?" She shyly said

"Laugh? Why would I laugh? What is it?" I asked curiously
"Just promise you won't laugh."
"Fine. I promise." I crossed my arms and leaned my back on my seat

"I...I'm, We-,Me-...meandSanaaredating" She said closing her eyes afterward, so fast making it hard for me to grasp what she said

"You and what?" I squinted my eyes at her
She sigh and continued "The reason why I want to visit, is because..."
I widened my eyes waiting for her to spill her words

"B-because, me and Sana are dating." She whispered the last part but I managed to catch her words

My mouth formed an 'O' shaped and my eyes went wider at her confession. Then seeing her face made me laugh

"Yah, you just promised!" She exclaimed
"I can't believe it! My stone cold hearted sister have a special someone?!" I almost yelled at the new information

"Y/N stop, they're looking at us!"
I ignored her as I kept boosting her ego and pep talking her.

"I'll make sure to tell Sana some good stuff about you all the time." I promised her
"You would? Please tell me you're serious." She asked because we always play stupid pranks to each other back then, times like this is when we get totally serious.

"Yeah I will I'm serious Jeongyeon." She knows I'm telling the truth when I call her by her real name, not her nickname.


After finding out about her dating life we decided to catch up more about ourselves.

I looked outside the window and it's getting a bit dark, lamposts are beginning to light up so we decided to call it a day.

"Y/N-ah, I know that Rosé is a very well-mannered and an educated girl, but always be careful since you're dating a very well-known idol. I don't want you to get in trouble. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll look after you." She said to me while pointing her two fingers on her eyes then to mine

"Okay police officer Jeongie. Thank you, for your concern. But we're being very careful with our actions. Right now, the people who only know about us are the other members and you, oh and Sana." I wiggled my eyebrows after I mentioned her name

"Pabo! I'm being serious." She said smacking the back of my head

"Alright, alright, grandma. I will take care of myself I promise. You promise to take care of yourself too okay?" I smiled to her

We hugged and waved goodbye to each other as we walked into different paths.


"Y/N, where have you been? I was gonna fetch you from the studio but they said you left early." Chaeyoung said looking up at me as she held my wrist
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you. Me and my friend Jeongyeon went at a nearby coffee shop to catch up, it's a sudden treat, I thought it's a good idea to meet her, after all it's been a long time since we last talked to each other." I say as she helped me remove my coat

"How was it? Did you have fun? Don't forget to inform me or to text me next time okay? I get easily worried." She furrowed her eyebrows at me

I placed the tip of my index finger and thumb in the middle of her forehead and glided them sidewards oppositely to unclench her eyebrows.

"Don't be mad, I got home safe see? You don't need to worry that much. And yes we had fun, I really missed her so much she's like a sister to me." I smiled looking down at her

"Where are the others?" I asked looking around
"They just went up in their rooms, ready to fall asleep."
I nodded as she grab my wrist and drag me all the way to her favorite place; the kitchen

"Are you already full? Do you want to eat?" She asked while squating down to get some foods inside the fridge.

I can't help but to notice that the pj's she's wearing is made with a thin fabric, making her ass visible, with no underwear.

"A little, but I want to join you." I said as I went up behind her, she stood up and I smacked her ass earning an unnecessary moan from her
"No panties huh?" I whispered on the nape of her neck

She blushed and she pushed me aside so she can put down the food "Stop it." I giggled and sat down at the chair next to her.

We ate pleasantly while telling stories about how our day went, I already told her about Jeongyeon and the girl she's dating; Sana. She seem genuinely happy for them, almost forgetting the jealousy incident, almost.

We kissed & hugged goodnight and went to our seperate rooms and fell asleep with smiles on our faces.


A/N: For my Once readers, who do you ship in twice? And who's your bias? Comment down below.

I can't choose my bias so whenever I watch them I don't know where to look at, I love them all lmao.

Mine is MiChaeng because I feel like they're not fanservice, they're casually doing what they want to do with each other and the way they stare at each other is so...ugh.
Right now my bias is Momo and my bias wrecker is Chaeyoung, she's so cultured and she loves to read.

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