IV.) dinner

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"Is she awake?" I heard someone whisper as I struggle to adjust my vision against the blinding light.

"Where am I?" I blurted out analyzing my surroundings.

I can't believe it, I'm actually at their house.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lisa said to me. I tried to stand up and I saw that my foot was fully medicated, with cast and stuff.

"You sprained yourself when the truck almost hit you. Thankfully you only got minor injuries, and no worries, the truck driver who's in fault is under investigation. everything's under control." Chaeyoung explained to me.

Silence filled the living room as Jennie finally broke it
"Are you hungry? Come on join us I've cooked something" She warmly invites me

They led me to their kitchen as Jisoo and Lisa placed all the needed plates in the dining area, as for Chaeng and Jennie they scooped up all the food put it in a bowl and placed them on the table.

Jennie and Lisa are sitting across from each other while Jisoo, Chaeyoung and I are all sitting across together

We said 'thank you for our food' and started eating in silence because we are all starving, well they're hungrier than me considering they haven't had proper dinner yet after the event.

"So, what's your name?" Jennie said

"Uhm I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" I said
"Oh nice to meet you Y/N" Chaeng said looking at me as she continues to munch on her food
"Nice to meet you guys also" I replied

Silence filled the dinner again as Chaeyoung was the one who broke the silence this time "So what's your story? If you don't mind me asking of course" She asked with full of curiosity

"Oh no of course I don't. Uhm, well I once worked as a bartender in my family's tavern in Miami" I started, her eyes never leaving my face as I continue to speak

"The place was called Black Crown, it's quite the people's favorite at the time but now the place was sold and is now a boutique" I spoke with a little bit of bitterness leaving my lips

My family was not the richest but knows god damn well on how to handle a business like a mad man. They know the tactics when dealing with a dealer, they know how to budget their income and they are very passionate to the work they put in in our business.

I have an older brother who became next in line in dethroning my parents as the CEO, he now owns several companies in Miami, I don't know what types of businesses he handles right now because it's been a long time since we last spoke to each other.

I picked bartending as a job because I like the way liquors dance and change colors when you mix them, It fascinates me whenever I create something delightful and flavorful beverages. The thought of creating something that people might actually adore you is very therapeutic for me. Each liquors held a story, bitterness, tanginess, and sweetness.

Being a bartender was both blessing and a curse, you get to witness every customer's taste among the beverages on the shelf, the untold stories that are being drowned down in their throat by drinking a shot of strong whiskey, margaritas for freshly broken heart of a college boy who fell in love deeply with a girl only to find out she's a lesbian, and the famous flaming lamborghini for wreckless people who got tricked badly by the universe, so bad they want to burn the memory down.

It is also a curse simply because it became like you are working as a help desk, not a bartender anymore. You carry home all the unnecessary baggages with you. You grew tired of seeing people picking the same drink and telling the same events to you. Although there's nothing wrong about giving out advices to those who needs it, and comforting people, but that's just not bartending anymore for you. So you decided to save up your money and move out to live independently in Seoul.

"Hmm, bartending, interesting. So what do you do now? I mean, do you work?" Chaeyoung asked as I look at them, fascinated by my story.

"I..." Sigh "I am actually working as a photographer right now, after I move out, I fell in love with Seoul and decided to pursue photography." I stated

I saw them getting hooked with the story so I decided to continue

"Since I live by myself, there's no one close to me that I can talk about how beautiful this place is. Last time, I decided to take a walk at night and go to a nearby lake, I was shocked to see how clear the water looks during the night, it was so clear I can almost see the reflection of myself and the moon." I say looking up trying to remember all the good times

"It felt surreal, the nature was like magic and then I thought to myself, 'I need to capture this moment' because knowing that I don't know anyone here yet means that if I don't take a picture of this scenario, it would just be a blurry memory of mine that I would take with me to my grave, that thought drove me insane. And that's when I started to capture things, to remember them."

The dinner went smoothly, we shared our stories, for some reason we feel comfortable with each other telling stuff like this.

After helping to wash the dishes we decided to go to sleep and take a rest.

The night was fast but we were faster

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