V.) bonne nuit en effet

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[Play the song when you see the signal]

I've decided to sleep in the living room but the girls insisted I should sleep in the guest room instead. After a few 'no it's fine' they finally made me agree to them.

fuck, this whole thing's gotta be a joke, it's feels like I'm living in a fanfiction.

I struggled to fall asleep as I can still feel the pain in my butt, I rolled over and over but sleep isn't taking over me yet. I put on my earphones and listened to some music hoping it would help me drift to sleep. I listened to some Sam Smith, lo-fi, acoustics, heck even Metallica but none of them made me go to sleep.

I gave up and decided to go on to instagram to kill time. I saw Rosie posted a photo saying 'goodnight & thank u' to blinks and decided to message her, hoping she could also be awake at this point.

"goodnight chaeng" I sent her the message
I sigh and went back to my timeline to scroll and scroll and scroll. I didn't even know if I'm still sleepy or tired at this point. What happened next made my tiredness go away, she replied, "Goodnight y/n, still awake?" well thanks missy, you bet now I'm awake.

I blinked a few times to ensure I wasn't imagining it and when I realized it's true I responded to her "Unfortunately yes, I can't sleep wbu?" She read the message but didn't respond. After 5 minutes there was a knock on my door. I remove the left side of my earbud as I struggle to get up and I went to the door opening it slightly, confused to see Chaeyoung at the other side.

"Can I come in?" She hesitantly asked
"Oh of course sure" I smiled to her as I opened the door wider for her to enter

We sat on the bed as we talked about random things that are flowing freely in our minds. We continued blabbering non sense stuff but for me, seeing her by my side talking about nothing makes my heart flutter on how the way she interacts with people, no matter what race you are, what your beliefs are, what your opinions are, she respects it, and I think the reason why she has everything she dreamed of right now was because of the love and respect she put out in the universe, respect begets respect. She gives meaning and color to literally nothing. She makes lemonade literally out of air, could you believe that? I can't stress this enough. We became comfortable with each other, too comfortable to the point where we were laying down on the bed.

We are invertedly laying onto the bed, my back against the soft mattress, faint music still playing in my right earbud, as I look up to the ceiling telling foolish childhood stories to her. She has her elbow propped and her side head resting on her palm laying on her side as she listens to my story intently, absorbing every emotions coming out my mouth.

We just stare at each other after spilling out almost everything about me, at first it was a comfortbale silence until the music ended, snapping me back to reality realizing how close our faces were, feeling her breath on my face and the athmosphere suddenly became thick as the next music came, it was my favorite one.

(play music)

The intro made me weak, her face fitting the song perfectly, her face is shining in the night like the diamond she is. Whenever I listen to this song there wasn't a day goes by that I don't dance with it. She noticed my mouth was agape, I suddenly stood up and she asked if I was okay,
"Can I have this dance?" She looked at me confused I forgot she couldn't hear the song since I'm wearing earphones "Oh sorry uhm it's my favorite song actually, do you want to hear it?" She made an inaudible "ooh" realizing the situation as I saw a glint of admiration in her eyes, the lights were dim and it's already dark but as soon as I said that to her, I saw her eyes twinkle in excitement.

I took her hand and handed her the left earbud. She carefully placed her hands on my shoulders as I gently put my hands on her waist, "this okay?" she nodded as a response as we let our body and the melody indulge each other.

Looking back before I came here, I was just a hopless romantic dancing to this love song, I was dancing on my own. But now, to have her in front of me looking directly in my eyes I feel naked yet secure. It feels right.

"There's this book about scientists that says, the chances of meeting your soulmate is 1 in 10,000" I whispered to her

"1 in 10,000 people? Well, those odds doesn't seem that bad." She replied

As we continue to sway along the music

"No, not 10,000 people, it's 10,000 lifetimes. You have to live your life 10,000 times just for a chance to meet your soulmate" I said to her

Her eyes were looking through mine as if they knew each other before. They are longing for each other.

Standing with her right here made me frozen, it seems so perfect and fragile, too perfect I can feel my heart hurt at how raw this moment feels, she seem delicate yet dauntless. The look she's giving me made me feel things, it made me conscious, it made me dumb and foolish, it made me crazy, she drives me insane

My hands absentmindedly reached for her hair and tucked it behind her ear because she looks so vulnerable slow dancing with me with my favorite song. I never wanted to blink in fear of missing a single thing on her features.

I cupped her cheeks as she sigh in the contact leaning her face in my palm as she closes her eyes. I felt my face gravitating towards her looking at her eyes, her nose, and then finally at her lips. I closed my eyes as I softly pressed my lips againts her earning a sigh from her because of the contact. She deepens the kiss by pulling me closer to her. I dropped my hand and placed it back on her waist clinging on to her as she moves her head sideward to deepen the kiss.

She brought me to climax without sex she's that powerful. I inhaled her scent and felt like I did some crack, she made my whole world spin around me. She licked my lower lip asking for permission and I obligued as our tongue gleefully dance with each other. I slide my hands below her shirt and rested them on her bare waist gripping firmly for support. She placed hers on the nape of my neck and the other gripping my hair firmly.

The kiss is relaxed, it is not rushed, it gives and it takes. The type of kiss that knows what to do without asking 'what's & how's' it felt familiar. We enjoyed the kiss as the love poison taking control over us.

We finally broke the kiss and rested our foreheads against each other and shared a look that says 'our little secret'. She smiled while looking towards my now swollen lips and faintly giggles. Which made me giggle in return.

After the kiss we've decided to call it a night since we felt too intoxicated by it which made us languid

"have a good night sleep chaeyoung" I said smile never leaving my face
"goodnight to you to y/n, sleepwell" she happily replied as I closed the door.

I leaned on it and smiled as I closed my eyes feeling ecstatic of what just happened.
I haven't realized I had my fingers on my lips. I went to bed and finally fell to sleep

You're all I need
(Won't you stay? Won't you stay?)
You're all I see
(Won't you stay? Won't you stay?)
Can't you see, all I need, never take that away from me

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