XV.) paradise

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We got inside our hotel room and stripped naked and went straight to the bathroom.

"Come here, join me." She said pointing towards the bath tub

I splurged myself underwater and let my body relax amidst the warm water against my body. I sat behind her as we let ourselves get intoxicated by the calming sensation that the water is emitting.

I held her waist softly and place small kisses against her shoulders allowing her tense muscles relax from my touch. She really deserves this after all the hardwork she put in that trash company.

I heard her sigh in satisfaction and finally relaxed in her position, as I felt her back fell on my chest, resting her head on my neck as she do so.

"Thank you my love." She whispered collapsing in my embrace

I kissed her forehead and held her tighter.

"You're welcome, you deserve it anyway." I say

She smiled and closed her eyes in satisfaction.

We both continued to conversate afterwards.


She requested to go at the rooftop because she wants to try their pool at night, she said she always does that wherever hotel she go to.

"But don't you think it's too cold at night considering that the breeze would be also cold?" I asked once again hoping to change her mind

"Yes I know but I don't want to break my tradition. Plus, we can try their jacuzzi afterwards, what do you think?" She said squeezing my hands as we both go into the poolside

"Okay, okay. Anything for my kahleesi" I let her drag me into the place


"I hate you

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"I hate you." I said hugging both of my shoulders and my teeth chattering under the cold water of the pool. I hate having a low tolerance towards cold water.

We've been only here for 10 minutes and I wanted to take my 10 minutes back. It's annoyingly freezing but seeing her light up against the lights under the pool made me doze off my annoying sensation. I love her but I don't want us to get hypothermia you know.

We we're the only ones here and she seem to enjoy it, she does the floating, diving, and the mermaid thing, made her look like Ariel. Oh god this woman.

Chaeyoung just tilted her head back and laugh cheerfully enjoying my agony.

"Fine fine let's go to the jacuzzi."


She removed her robe and dipped her toe into the water to check if the temperature is right then decided to slump herself inside the jacuzzi.

"Y/N, can you please tell the lady to bring us some water, I'm so thirsty." She said eyes closed under the jacuzzi

Because she came from a cold pool to a hot jacuzzi, her blood pressure can drop down that's the reason maybe she's thirsty...Or is she thirsty for me? Ugh these thoughts really.

I said thank you to the lady and grabbed 2 water bottles and went to my girlfriend.

I stopped in my tracks because I saw her sitting at the top edge of the jacuzzi naked, and staring at the view from below since we were at the rooftop.

Since its already dark, even her silhouette is breath taking. I feel like I'm looking at an abstract painting.

I gulped a huge lump of saliva in my throat and place the bottles beside her carefully not waking her up from her daydream.

I kissed her shoulder softly and she turned her head to her side and smiled as she kissed my lips, she taste like red wine and honey. I had to pull away because the butterflies inside my stomach are out of control.


"I love you so much, we will beat all the odds together." She smiled, her heavy eyelids struggling just to look up at me

We are already on the bed ready to snooze off as she cling on my waist and has her legs wrapped around mine.

"I love you more, I promise to protect you at all costs." I kissed her forehead and hugged her closer to me

Her breathing began to soften as I get drowsy hearing her breath and feeling her warm breath on my neck.

I didn't want to sleep, because sleep is like a teleportation for the next day, and once you wake up, boom, it's already morning.

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