XLIII.) sky full of stars

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~ timeskip ~

Third Person pov
Today is the day that the PCY couple will exchange vows in front of the altar.

Park Chanyeol seems so excited because of the heritage he would get once he and Chaeyoung are legally tied together in the eyes of God and of her parents. Once her parents would finally say goodbye in this unfortunate world, the heir would split between the two Park couple and Alice, which means getting almost half of the money they've saved up from their business along the years of their lifetime. Combining the two; his wealth and her family's wealth would set their world on fire.

"Finally, the money will surely revolve around me."

On the other hand, Park Chaeyoung is having mixed emotions right now. Considering she's almost reaching the finish line of her dream; for her parents to attend to her wedding seems so surreal for her. The other side of her kept on nagging to stop this wedding before it will begin, because being married to someone means you get to be with them forever, and Park Chanyeol isn't that 'someone' she's longing for.

"Take me back to when the world was upon us, not against us."


"Smile, why aren't you happy? Today is your big day!" Mama Park exclaimed a bit agitated at her younger daughter.

Chaeyoung is sat on a chair infront of a mirror all dressed-up for the wedding.

She just shrug her shoulders when she didn't get any response from her child.

"Fine be like that." and with that, she left slamming the door behind her as she disappear.

Alice came inside the room worried sick because she encountered her mother coming out from this room fuming.

Inside, she saw a zoned out Chaeyoung. She's alive and breathing but she looks lifeless and detached.

"What's wrong?" She pleaded to gain an answer but none.

Instead, her younger sisiter took a deep breath and finally bursted a meltdown of her bottled up emotions.

Tugging her necklace so harshly dangling around her neck and throwing it onto the ground while screaming angrily as hot tears spilled from her doe eyes. Every pieces of jewelries were taken down piece by piece while she cry her eyes out irritably.

Alice was so shock she didn't know how to respond nor to calm her sister down, so she stepped back and just let her do what she wanted to do inorder for her to release her anger away.

She lets her breakdown because she knew what was wrong; she knew what was happening.

After Chaeyoung finished shouting incoherent words, she sat on the floor and hugged her knees close to her chest as she drifted herself onto another dimension once more.

Alice came to sat down with her and hugged her not uttering a word until her hiccups from crying slowly subsided.

"I don't feel so good."


"I now announce you, husband & wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Rosé married Chanyeol because she saw him as an 'achievement'. Chanyeol showered Rosé with gifts, and the only reason she married him was because of what he represented. She loves him because he gives her security in everything she enjoys and wants. Despite loving Y/N and attempting to call off her wedding to Chanyeol, Rosé finally marries him because she knows that she wont have to live 'sparingly', as Chanyeol can provide her with every materialistic thing she could ever want, and will be able to protect her from the harsh world with his money.

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