XLIV.) oblivious

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It has been 5 months since the Park couple got married. 5 months of pure hell and agony for Chaeyoung. He may not be hurting her in a physical way, but all of the torturous scenarios you could ever think of are done psychologically. Painfully engraved into her brain and core memory leaving her no choice but to think about Y/N in times like this; her only source of motivation to keep moving forward.

Now, as the promise has been completed, her yearning for you is growing more and more as she holds onto her last person whom she promised to come back to continue their love story; you.

Chaeyoung's pov
I've been wondering why didn't the world end during 2012? Is it because we're already in hell? Or is it just me?

Chanyeol was off to another country for his said "business trip" which I think consists of him just flaunting my parents wealth onto his friends and to girls he want to bang. I could care less though, him not being in the house or not spending time with me is already a blessing sent from above.

Whenever he's with me I feel restrained. It's like my whole freedom has been taken away from me.

As I cleaned the house for a bit making my thoughts wander around, I began getting bored amidst the process. It's not even that dirty anyway so I just sat on the sofa and scrolled through my phone.

I surfed the net until I heard the monster inside my stomach growling.
I'm hungry.

I dialled some Korean restaurant on my phone as I told them about my order.

"Sure, you guys can take your time, I'm in no rush after all. Bye"

I chimed at the lady on the other line as I got upstairs and fetch the bill from my purse and went back down on the living room to wait.

Jeongyeon's pov
There aren't a lot of customers stopping by at this hour since it's brunch time. Usually, it gets packed during the noon and night. I was arranging and cleaning the counter while Y/N monitors the front desk.

The telephone rings as I grabbed it hoping it would be a customer.

"JS Take Away, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I would like to make a delivery."

The girl from the other line said as I grabbed a pen and paper to jot down her orders.

"May I get their name please? For verification purposes."

"Roseanne Park."

I was dumbstruck for like a solid 5 seconds until I composed myself and continued our transaction and hung up.

I commanded the workers to prepare the dish for the delivery as I went my way towards my good old sport Y/N to tell her about the phone call.

"Y/N-ah, I have to tell you something."

She look up from me and curiosity flooding her facial features.

"What's up?"

"The driver here cannot deliver the food to the customer that called us earlier. And everyone here is busy since lunch break is about to start. And I can't leave this place either. So I'm asking for your help to be the one to deliver the food to the customer, please?" I gave her my greasiest puppy eyes and aegyo for her to accept my wonderful request.

I should just hand her the address and not the name she's going to then.

Aigo I'm such a good friend. Y/N is very lucky to have me.

Your pov
"Oh sure, no problem. Is that all?" I replied to her

I mean, it's not only a part of my job to do what I'm assigned to but also a part of our friendship. In times like this it's hard to say no to her as an answer.

"Perfect! The dish would be finished soon! Thank you Y/N-ah~" She gleefully respond as she made her way back to the kitchen.

I prepared the engine of the motorcycle as the waitresses packed the food for safety delivery.


I removed my helmet as I fetch out the address from my pocket.

It reads, "211-PC"

I grabbed the food and went to their doorway to double check the address. When the coast is clear I pressed the doorbell and stood back to wait for it to open.

As I was waiting, I admired the flower pots displayed on the side of the doorway, hmm pansies, I thought to myself.

I heard footsteps coming behind the door as it gets nearer and nearer and the door finally swung open catching me off-guard at the sight.

The customer is none other than Rosé

I inwardly cursed at Jeongyeon on how the way she tricked me being here.

Once I get back at that place it's over for you Jeongie

I was deadpanned for like a solid 10 seconds, not believing she's actually infront of me.

After how many years, she's right here infront of me.

"I-I-I, here's your f-food." I facepalmed myself for stuttering as I hand her the paper bags not being able to look at her face.

"Thank you, how much is it?" She giggled at the situation making me weak at the knees hearing her angelic giggle for the first time again. Oh god

I handed her the receipt as she gave me the bill and put it inside the bag dangling around my waist.

As I was about to leave, she called out for my name.

"Y/N wait!"

I fought back the devil and angel sitting at the top of my shoulders telling me about whether or not I should look back but unfortunately, the angel did won this time.

I slowly turned my body infront of her as I stuggled to look at her face.

"Do you want to go inside? M-maybe catch up a little?" She fidgeted. Kyowo, wait what?

I don't even know which demon or angel was controlling me but apparently, I dumbfoundedly nodded at her request.

What do you mean 'little'? There's a lot to catch up to Roseanne


aaand cliffhanger KKKKKK


apparently, the test was done, so i get to write this chapter. but next week, i remembered its my grandmas bday, usually our tradition is going out of town, so there may be no wifi or data at the place we're going to. so im very sorry guys.

tell you what, ill try to write in my notepad and just update it here as soon as we go home oke???

i love you guys thank you so much.

and all your comments regarding last chapters made my heart swell. please continue finding things that excites you!


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