VIII.) calm before the storm

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I woke up earlier than usual because, 1) I want to be on time for the photoshoot, and 2) I'm just too excited for later to the point where I'm not so sure anymore if I even slept last night.

Anyways, I brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen to grab some water and decided to cook pancakes for the girls. Since I have a generous amount of time left for me to kill, I took my time in making the pancakes perfect and delicious.

As I was concentrating on flipping the 3rd batch of pancakes, I felt someone grab my waist and when turned my head around I saw a sleepy Chaeyoung hugging me from behind while her eyes are closed.

"Ooff, you scared me." I whisper yelled to her
"Goodmorning" she whispered placing her chin on my shoulder
I kissed her forehead and continued cooking
"Why you up so early? We still have 3 hours left before the photoshoot, go back to sleep, I'll wake you up later." I said to her
"No I'm awake now, I smelled something delicious and my stomach growled, I went down to check what it is" She replied finally opening her eyes
"Oh you're hungry? I can join you if you want" I offered
"Yes please" She pouted and I turned around to face her and I can't help but to peck her lips. She hugged me a bit tighter than before.

"Alright, how am I gonna make these pancakes golden if you're restraining me like this?" I said faking my struggle to her grip
She giggled as she lets me go and she sat on one of the stools near the counter. After I was done cooking the pancakes, I placed the toppings like whipped cream, fruits and syrups in front of her as she took her time perfecting her design.

"You know, you're not going to be able to eat that if you make its plating that beautiful." I teased her
She smiled and blushed as she rolled her eyes at me
"Oh shut up" She said

We ate in silence and after that we both cleaned up the dining area and washed the dishes together, giggling and bickering along the process. It feels so good seeing her like this early in the morning, I'm already fueled up for the day.

Chaeyoung's pov

We still have a lot of time left and decided to watch a movie in the living room.
"What are you in the mood for?" She said scrolling through her laptop
"Hmmm, let's binge watch some k-dramas" Of course I would say that

She brought her blanket from her room and threw it lightly at me as we cuddled under the covers while watching some kdramas I picked.

Randomly stealing kisses from each other, giggling, burying my face on her neck and smelling her scent and vice versa. It was a movie marathon wreck. When we've realized we couldn't stay still, we decided to just cuddle and tell each other some stories.

"How was your day yesterday?" I asked looking up at her not just to start a conversation but to genuinely know how was her day yesterday.
She has the hood of her hoodie wrapped around the back of her head. I played with the strings of her hoodie while she's deeply thinking.

"It went well, I already know a lot of people, Cha Seung-won said that the actual job will start today, yesterday he told me to just roam around the building to get to know the place and the people more." She said smiling as she absentmindedly drew circles on my back while she continues to speak

"He's very nice for a face like that. He seem like a reserved man. I came home late last night because I offered him a drink as a sign of gratitude for giving me this job." She added

"That's nice to hear. See, I you he would like you. I'm glad you had fun." I exclaimed to her as I placed a soft kiss on her lips. When I'm about to pull away she held my waist and pulled me closer to her. I sat on her lap and placed my hands around her neck since she is leaning on the couch, she helped me as she gripped my waist firmly and we made out silently, careful not to wake the girls up because they're still probably snoring.

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