XLVIII.) confrontation pt.2

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Third Person's POV

She slowly opened her eyes hoping this horrendous scene would magically disappear. Wishing once she opened them, she would teleport into something more peaceful and safe rather than here.

But it didn't.

Your POV
I waited for the bullet to get pass through me. Waited for it to end it all already. Anticipated my death.

But to my surprise, the gunshot didn't hurt me. Nothing painful was felt.

I slowly opened my eyes to peek until I saw something more horrendous.

Chanyeol's lifeless body

His face was covered in blood but you can tell he was shock upon receiving that gunshot.

I looked at him and then Mr. Park not finding words to say. I looked at Rosé beside me and she was mirroring what my facial expression is. Shocked

A drop of a pin can be heard amidst the silence surrounding us.

~ F L A S H B A C K ~

Mr. Park's POV
I decided to visit Chaeng in their house since it's been a while and I've missed her.

The house is empty and I've been here for like 10 minutes now until I decided to go to their room.

It might be inappopriate to intervene like this but my gut is telling me to open the vault that I gave them on their wedding.

What I found made my blood boil in anger.

A stash full of documents regarding bank accounts and businesses.

So Chanyeol's been using MY account without my permission? And even worse he's spending it on gambling and vises?

That's when I decided to contact all my hitmen and decided to track that fucker and teach him a lesson


"Huh? why's he calling this late at night?" I asked her

"Go answer, it's probably important."

I dragged the answer button and waited for his voice to be heard. Anticipation is killing me


"Rosé darling? Are you with Y/N?"

"Yes dad why?"

"I know what's going on about you two... I was shocked, but never disappointed. Just please always remember that I love you okay? Whatever you see here, is all part of our act. Please stop worrying, I'll fix everything for the both of you."

I was dumbfounded from all the information he had said in one breath unable for me to grasp it fully. He maybe noticed I wasn't talking so he spoke up again.

"No matter what happens you'll still be my lovely child. Come here and bring Y/N."

"O-okay dad, t-thank you. I love you too. But please can we talk about this personally?"

"Sure do my daughter. Now go, someone's waiting for you." With that, he hung up.

"I can't believe this." I said to Y/N

I'm in cloud 9 right now so it was hard for me to fully sink in that phone call.

I wiped my tears while Y/N is rubbing my back for comfort while my tears subsides.

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