Imagine 1: The look Theo gives when he sees you fighting a ghost rider.

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Narrators pov: 

Theo and Liam were busy fighting ghost riders while you where busy near the woods fighting off ghost riders while Scott and the others were trying to stop the train from entering beacon hills high school. You had been kicking butt with your new bow and arrow killing the ghost riders one by one as well as ensuring that you didn't get hit by one of their green ghost bullets in the process of piercing their chests with an arrow. 

Y/N pov: 

I had just finished killing the last ghost rider that i was fighting when Scott yells  "Y/N check and make sure Liam is okay?" I turn around to see Theo already staring at me with a small smile on his face, I just shrug my shoulders and smile at him knowing why he was looking at me like that. You see Theo has always been protective over me and I know that the only reason why he is back is because we needed his help in order to stop the Ghost riders. I still don't know whether to trust him i mean he did do all those horrible things to my friends....

I was cut out of my though when i heard a noise from behind me, I turn around just in time to see a ghost rider behind Malia "Malia duck" I yelled she did and I let my arrow release from the bow, hitting the ghost rider in the chest. "Thanks Y/n/n" Malia yells as she goes towards Scott. I just nodded and turn back around to see Liam on a horse. 

I run over "UM Liam do you even know how to ride a horse?" I asked with amusement all over my face. "Nope"  I shake my head "Get off the horse before you hurt the poor thing" I said. not realising that Theo was right beside me. Until I hear him laugh at Liam's lame attempt to get off of the horse. Once Liam was off of the poor horse I put my foot in the stirrup while hoisting myself up into the saddle of the horse, (Sorry cant remember if there was a saddle on the horse or not lol)  "So whats the plan?" I asked as i grabbed the reins and looking down at both boys. 

"wait what your going to do it?" Theo asked shocked "yea i mean i know how to ride the horse clearly Liam doesn't who else is gonna do it?" I asked looking at him "Because your brother Stiles will kill us if anything happens to you" Liam said "Um im not so worried about stiles killing us more like Scott" Theo said looking over his shoulder. 

"yea well Scott's busy, Theo do you know how to ride a horse?" you asked raising an eyebrow at him waiting for his answer, "No, Not really" Theo replied knowing that i was not going to back down. 

Theo's pov: 

As i finished killing the last ghost rider who was trying to kill Liam i saw y/n fighting off ghost riders herself. Damn that girl is a bad ass, she knows what shes doing with those arrows it makes her look hot.. 

Theo what the hell are you thinking, she hates you remember you tried to kill her friends. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when i saw her looking my way, i saw her smile and shrug her shoulders. I saw her turn around to help Malia when I noticed Liam having trouble controlling the horse. 

"Liam do you even know how to ride a horse?" I asked him as i laughed, only to receive a glare from him and a threat, "Theo if you don't shut up i'm gonna send you back to hell", The smirk was quickly wiped off my face. 

I decided to go down where Liam was and help him out. As i got there i saw Y/n talking to Liam. "UM Liam do you even know how to ride a horse?" she said i held back my laugh, "Nope" Liam says she just shakes her head and tell Liam ""Get off the horse before you hurt the poor thing" I laughed at this comment only for her to finally realise that i was standing beside her. 

once Liam had gotten of she got on and said "so whats the plan" Liam and I looked at each other before snapping our heads in her direction. "wait what your going to do it?" I asked shocked and worried that Scott would kill us, more specifically me, I haven't quite earned all their trust back yet, "yea i mean i know how to ride the horse clearly Liam doesn't, who else is gonna do it?" she says as she looks at both of us. 

Damn this girl is stubborn and she has no fear. 

 I was once again pulled out of my thoughts when i heard Liam's voice "Because your brother Stiles will kill us if anything happens to you".

"Um i'm not  worried about stiles killing us more like Scott" I said looking over my shoulder. Only for Y/n to reply "yea well Scott's busy, Theo do you know how to ride a horse?" I looked at her.

Damn this girl knows how to get her way.

"no not really" i sighed knowing that she wasn't going to back down. "Liam go help Scott and the others I stay with Y/n and make sure she doesnt get herself killed" I said looking at Liam he went to argue but he left anyway. 

"Y/n you know your very stubborn" I stated raising my eyebrow up, "yea I'm like my brother Stiles, But one question why do you care if i get hurt?" She asked me. I looked at her not sure how to reply. "i know you don't trust me but everything that we had before i turned against you and lied to you i never lied to you about the way i felt about you and i hope you can give me a second chance but i would rather die than let you die" i replied looking at her. 

She just nodded then Turned around "Get on Theo" She said as she held her hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it and hoisted myself up onto the horse and we started to ride towards the train tracks towards the diverter. 

"you might have to earn my trust back Theo, now jump and pull that leaver it will divert the train in another direction and it wont head for the school" She said I nodded and jumped off of the horse. 

I pulled the leaver so the diverter changed direction sending the train into that direction. Once we got back towards Scott and the others we were able to defeat Douglas and the ghost riders we had won another fight saving and protecting Beacon Hills. 

we all jumped and hugged each other in celebration. I wrapped my arms around Y/n small frame and hugged her tight to my chest, I didnt realise what i had done until it was too late. "Sorry i forgot" I said looking down at her. 

she looked back up at me and smiled before connecting our lips together, after a few seconds she pulled away "this doesnt mean i trust you, your going to have to earn it" She said looking at me. I looked down and smiled "Ill fight until I have your trust again." 

The end 

A/N sorry if its bad  

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