Imagine 12: It's like putting a Band aid over a bullet wound it takes time

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Warnings: Mild Swearing and death: 

Things to know: y/b/f/n = your best friends name Y/L/n= your last name 

1 year ago: 

you were sitting on your couch watching supernatural when there was a knock on your door. you paused the series and got up and walked towards the front door to see your boyfriend Brett standing there. 

"Hey babe" You said he looked at you with a blank expression on his face. "Look, y/n, we need to brake up because I have fallen in love with someone else , I never wanted to hurt you, but the truth is i cheated on you with her and the guilt was killing me and i think this is better for the both of us" He said as he looked down at the ground. 

You felt your heart and trust shatter, "Brett please tell me this is a prank?" you asked as tears started to fall from your eyes. Brett looked at you 
"Its not a prank" He whispered. "You promised me you would never hurt like he did" You said now leaning on the door for support because you feel as if you would crumble. 

"I'm so sorry" He said "LEAVE GO I HATE YOU" you screamed as you slammed the door in his face. you turned around and let your back slide down the door until you were sitting there with your head in your hands.  

"I'm never trusting or falling in love with another guy." You said as you sobbed into your knees.


Every since Brett broke your heart you haven't trusted another boy and you built your walls high. 

You were currently sitting in your  English class at you desk that you share with Theo Raeken.   "class today we will be splitting up into pairs to work on this English project."  I looked to my left to see Lydia giving the person beside me a death glare. I looked to my right and saw Theo. 

"I have soccer practice after class but we can meet in the library after practice?" I asked as I looked at Theo "yea sure" He replied. 

I walked out of the classroom and towards the girls locker room to get changed for soccer practice. 

skip practice 

I walked into the Library to see Theo sitting there only to see Brett walk into the Library as well seeing him brought back so many memories. I walk back out of the library and into the girls locker room.

You sat with your back pressed agaisnt the wall with your knees to your chest resting your head on your knees.

Theo's pov:
I was sitting in the library working on my maths homework while i waited for Y/n.

After 5 mins of working on maths i looked up to see her walk through the door. But she froze in her spot i followed her gaze and it landed on the Devenford prep lacrosse captain who was sitting with his team mates and some blonde chick. (Devenford team was there because their library had a water pipe burst as well as they were there to practice lacrosse).

I looked back over at y/n only to see her turn around and walk out.

I quickly packed my things and stuffed them.into my bag before following her out of the library.

I saw her walk into the girls locker room. I walked in and found her sitting there with her head in her knees that were pulled to her chest.

I sat down beside her. "are you okay?" i asked. She looked up at me.

"i don't know" she said. I looked at her "i'm a chimera i can hear when your lying" i said as i grabbed her hand.

She sighed "a year ago i dated Brett Tabolt and he broke my heart because he cheated and he fell in love with someone else." she said as she look down "and i haven't trust anyone or told anyone about this not even Lydia" she said. "so you basically built your walls so high so no one can brake it down and kept your heart under lock and key?" I asked sorrow laced in my voice. 

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