Imagine 13: When You see Theo and Tracy together

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Y/n's pov: 

"so whats the meeting about this time?" Hayden asked as we were all sitting around the living room at my brother's and i's house. Yes Scott McCall is my brother. 

"Gerard  and hunters are hunting all of the supernatural. we need to figure out a plan" Scott said i rested my head on Liam's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. and no Liam and i are just friends beside he has eyes for a certain werewolf... Hayden. I saw Theo sitting beside Malia. Mason and Corey were sitting on the love seat, while, Lydia and Stiles sat on the floor in each others arms and Kira was standing beside Scott. 

"Well what are we gonna do?" Liam asked "They have the hospital on lock down, innocent people as hostages, I think their hoping we come for them" Kira said "Wait Mum" I said as i stood up, Scott grabbed me and pulled me towards him "I contacted her, shes stuck in the hospital but they aren't hurting any of the hostages, plus we will get her i promise" Scott said as he hugged me. 

I nodded and said back down beside Liam. Suddenly a plan came into mind "What if a group of us distract Gerard and His men while the other group gets all the hostages out?" I asked as i looked up at Scott. 

"I think thats a good idea" Stiles said. "y/n, your not coming" Scott said "I'd like to see you try and stop me" I replied as i stood up. Scott's eyes turn red. Everyone in the pack looked shocked. 

I walked past Scott only for him to grab my arm but before he could pull me back i twisted his arm behind him and flipped him over so he landed on his back. "Where did you learn that from?" Scott asked as he groaned. 

"Allison did before she was killed, and Hayden and i have been practising with Liam and Corey" I replied proud that i shocked my brother. "OK fine, but you stay by Liam's side got it" he asked i nodded. 

"okay these are the groups, Theo, Liam, Y/n, Mason, Corey and Hayden, Everyone else your with me" Scott said. 

at the hospital.  

We were going up to the stairs to level 4 when someone came down the stairs. "Tracy what the hell are you doing here?" Theo asked "I thought you could use my help" tracy replied. I rolled my eyes and walked past her and grabbed my throwing knife from my back pocket. I quietly opened the door and looked out to see two hunters with their backs turned towards us. 

I pulled another blade from my back pocket and threw both towards the men. making them fall to the ground, i walked out and started to drag one of the guys bodies into a deserted room. Hayden doing the same with the second guy. I picked up the blades and wiped the blood off of the blade before putting the blade back into my pocket. 

"Damn y/n/n, how are you so good at this?" Mason asked "please Allison and Chris Argent taught me everything i needed to know to defend myself." I said as i walked back to Liam's side. Suddenly out of no where this guy grabbed me and held a gun to my head. Liam's,Tracy's, Theo's and Hayden's eyes all turned yellow. "back down and she won't die" He said "The only person dying is you" Theo threatened, Just then i slammed my arm into his rib case and grabbed the gun out of his hands before hitting him over the head with the gun, knocking him out. 

Liam ran over and made sure i was okay, "you okay?" Liam asked "yea i'm fine" I said as i walked beside them. Suddenly Theo and Liam looked at each other when they turned around and started walking back the way we came. "um where are you going?" I asked confused looking at Mason who was also confused "Oh right, Scott just said they got everyone out so we can leave now" Theo said "Wow who invited the humans to the party"Tracy said. Mason and i looked at each other "Wow who brought the mutt" i muttered under my breath. Mason laughed. 

"What did you say?" Tracy asked as she stopped in her tracks turning around to face me. "you know i cant believe you didn't hear what i said, i mean you are a chimera right?, anyway i said who brought the mutt" I said, she was now in my face. 

Theo and Liam all looked shocked that i said that to Tracy's face. she looked like she was about to rip out my throat but i wasn't about to back down. "y/n come on" Liam said as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me away. 

we met Scott out side but he could smell the anger on me and Tracy. "what's up with you two, you both smell of anger and you both like you can kill each other right now. "I think the only person going to kill is me" Tracy said as she sent you a death glare "Oh please I could kill you in my sleep" I replied. suddenly Theo grabbed Tracy holding her back. when suddenly she saw an opportunity and kissed Theo right in front of you. 

you rolled your eyes before walking away. "Y/n where are you going?" Scott asked "to blow of steam before a I murder someone" I replied not looking back.  

I walked towards Beacon hills Reserve where I sat on this rock looking down at the town and all its lights and glory. Sometimes i come up here to clear my head, but others is to remember what it was like to be normal and to only worry about studying and passing classes, and not having to worry bout who was next to die or what supernatural creature threatened the small town. 

The pack's POV: 

"What the hell just happened" Scott asked getting mad that his little sister was angry and maybe hurt. "We don't know her anger started when Tracy showed up inside the hospital and it got worse when Tracy said who invited the humans and yea" Mason said 

Scott nodded and looked over towards Tracy who was being Scolded at by Theo. "What the hell was that all about?" Theo asked clearly angry "what" Tracy said trying to act innocent. Theo rolled his eyes and followed after y/n. 

Theo's POV:
I watched as Tracy and y/n fought. Until Tracy pulled my head towards hers locking my lips with hers. I pulled away angrily and yelled at her "What the hell was that all about", "What" She said trying to act innocent. It wasn't working. 

I rolled my eyes and walked off following the direction that y/n went in. It led me towards  beacon Hills reserve. I found her sitting on a rock looking over at the town and it's lights. "y/n are you okay?" She looked over her shoulder, "yeah" She said alot calmer then what she was before. 

I sat down beside her. "What happened back there?" I asked after a few moments of silence. "Tracy and i don't exactly get along okay, she gets under my skin and i don't know why" she replied not meeting my eyes. "ok so you angry because she kissed me?" I asked listening to her heart beat while she replied "No, I was already angry at her for what she was saying" She replied she wasn't lying about that. 

"Okay well i have something to ask you and there's no point lying.... do you have feelings for me?" I asked She looked at me and then looked down and sighed. "I don't know" She replied not looking at me. "Look at me and answer the question" I said as i looked at her.  she turned and looked at me "I don't know, but maybe" She replied "well maybe this might help" I said as i cupper her cheeks and pulled her head towards mine and kissed her. 

After awhile she kissed me back, "So?" I asked "yes i have feelings for you" She said "Good cause i love you" I said as i kissed her again. she smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder as my arm was wrapped around her shoulders. 

Finally Theo Raeken gets the ending I deserve, I thought to myself. 

"So Theo Raeken Has a heart" Y/n said as she smirked up at me "don't make me regret this" I said as i faced palmed my forehead with a smile on my face. She lent up and kissed me cheek. "even if i did you would still love me" She said as she laughed. 


Thank you for reading xx

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