Imagine 10: your talking to Lydia about your Crush on Theo

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Lydia and i were in the Library look for this book for History when the conversation about crushes came up. "Oh please Lydia its so obvious how Stiles has a huge crush on you he's just scared that you won't be interested in him" I said as we were looking in different isle of the book cases. "Okay what about your crush on Theo?" She asked with a smirk "Its just a crush besides everyone hates him and no one thinks that we should trust him" I said "Please Y/n the way that boy looks at you, is as if he wants to take you for a joy ride in his truck and never let anyone else go near you" Lydia said as we were now facing each other. 

I laughed "Yea that's exactly the same way Stiles looks at you" I replied only to have Lydia role her eyes at me. "But i'll admit i do have a crush on Theo and I'm not ashamed of it" I said as i raised my eyes at her "fine i'm not afraid to have feelings for Stiles either." she said "Well then, take your chance while you have it" I said pointing in the direction of Stiles and Scott. 

"fine, but you need to tell Theo" She said "Deal" I said "Now get going" I laughed as Lydia walked over towards Stiles. I looked to my right to see Theo standing there who looked at me (the way he is in the gif) "How much of that did you hear?" I asked as i faced him "all of it i mean i am a Chimera" I looked down and smiled. That was until i felt his thumb lifted my head up so i was looking at me. 

"Lydia wasn't wrong when she said that i look at you like i wanna keep all the other guys away from you" he said as his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. "Really, Then prove it" I said as i raised my eye brows at him. Theo smashed his lips to mine. My back was pressed against one of the book cases as his hands were on my waist pulling my body closer to his if that was even possible. 

"So what does this mean than?" I asked as we pulled away from the kiss before "It means that your my girl" He said as he smiled and kissed my cheek. Just then Lydia came back over with wide eyes. "So y/n did you find that history book?" She asked. My eyes went wide "Uh nope, i cant find it" I replied Only for Theo to grab it and held out towards us. 

"wait you had it the whole time?" I asked looking at Theo he looked down with a smirk and blush on his face "I may have known you two were looking for it but i was hoping you would see that i was holding it and you would come over and ask me if you could have it" Theo said "So another words you used it as an excuse to get this girl to talk to you" Lydia said. 

"yea basically" He said "Theo, we've been looking for it for 2 hours!" I said he laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist, "If it makes you feel better i'll help you with the assignment" Theo said as he rested his head on my shoulder.  

"you better" Lydia said pointing her finger at Theo, before walking away. I turned to face Theo and kissed his cheek. "You need a lift home?" Theo asked "Yes please" I said as Theo grabbed my hand. we walked out of the school and towards his truck. Theo opened my door, "here ya go baby girl" Theo said as he closed my door. 

I think i can get use to being Theo's girl. I smiled to myself while i watched him run around to his side of the car. He got in and placed his hand on my thigh before i laced our fingers together. 

Yep definitely gonna get use to this. 


Thanks for reading so sorry its short <3 

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