Imagine 11: When you and Theo are trapped in a cave

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Theo, Liam and I  were chased by Gerard hunters when Liam said "Split up" before he took off running in a different direction. Theo and i ran beside each other until i saw a cave and ran towards it, Theo running right behind me. 

we hid behind a rock wall when we heard gun shots. suddenly the roof of the cave concave in blocking the exit. "Theo?" I asked as i started coughing due to the dust in the air and trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness. 

"Theo are you okay?" I yelled again waiting for a response. Suddenly i felt a hand grab mine and pulled me down to the ground. I looked at Theo and saw that his eyes were closed and his heart beat picked up, beating  a lot faster which normally happens when their about to shift.  

"Theo its okay, we will get out" I said as i put my hand on his shoulder. He started to have a panic attack. His eyes started to glow yellow and his claws came out. Theos nails started to dig into my arm. 

"Theo look at me" I said as i cupped his face "I can't go back, I cant go back" Theo said i looked at him confused until i realised that he's scared to go back to hell, where his sister is. 

"Theo look at me your not alone, THEO LOOK AT ME" i yelled as his eyes finally looked at me. "You're not going back but you need to breath". I said as i held his face.

His moved his head so he was looking down at the ground, his claws were still digging in my arm drawing more blood then before. I winced at his nails digging into my flesh. 

I cupped his face and kissed him, his eyes went wide before he kissed back, Theo's eyes changed back to their blue colour and his Claws re-tracked out of my arm. 

"Theo are you okay?" I asked pulling away from the kiss he was looking at me "How'd you know that would work?" Theo asked as he looked at my eyes, "Lydia did it for stiles around the time that he started to become void and it worked for him" I replied as i looked down at my arm. 

Theo followed my gaze and he grabbed my arm and looked at it closer "I.I did this?" Theo asked as he swallowed the lump in his throat, "It was an accident Theo" I said as i cupped his cheek making him look at me. 

"This is why i never wanted to get close with you because i didn't want to hurt you" Theo said as he stood up and looked around for an exit. 

I sighed while ripping a piece of my t-shirt sleeve of to tie it around my arm to slow the bleeding until we get to Deaton or Melissa. 

I grabbed my phone and saw that there was no signal. Shit. I looked over at Theo who was sitting with his head in his hands. 

Liam's POV: 

I split up from Y/n and Theo, i ran towards Scott's house, "SCOTT" I yelled as i tried to catch my breath, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Hayden, Derek, Mason and Malia all came running down stairs. 

"Liam what happened" Scott asked. "Y/n, Theo and i we were..." "Liam breath and tell us what happened" Lydia said putting a hand on my shoulder. "We were being chased by Gerard's hunters in the reserve, I split up with Theo and Y/n but they should have been here by now" I said as i catch my breath. we all leave heading towards the reserve. 

Y/n POV: 

I sat across Theo who looked up at me, "hows your arm" Theo asked as he nodded in its direction, "its fine, I'm sure Melissa or Deaton can fix it up once we get out of here" I said as i looked at him . 

"why did you kiss me?" Theo asked "I already told you i seen Lydia do it for Stiles and it worked" I said as i looked at him he smirked "I can hear your heart beat you know, and your not lying but that's only half of the reason isn't" Theo asked with his famous smirk. 

"Maybe, why are you so afraid of hurting me, i mean you had no problems hurting the pack?" I asked he looked at me "I'll tell you if you tell me the other half of the reason you kissed me, i Mean if it was Malia she would have just punched me in the face" Theo said, "Fine, I guess i realised that your not much of an asshole anymore and i might have had a small crush on you before we found out the real Theo Raeken" I said as i looked away from him. 

He looked at me with a small smirk while he looked down at the ground (Gif Above^). 

"Fine the reason why the dread doctors or my pack that i eventually had, didn't go near you was because i threatened them and warned them that if they went near you i would kill them. I guess it was because i developed feelings for you and I wanted to tell you but i knew once you found out my real intentions you would hate me so i tried to keep my distance, because i don't want to hurt you, but i guess i already did" Theo said motioning towards my arm. 

I didn't know what to say but before i could say anything we heard our names being called out "Y/n? Theo?".. 

Theo stood up and Yelled "we're in here" "Theo are you and Y/n okay?" Scott asked "Yea, i mean y/n's arm is injured" Theo replied. "Okay stand back" Scott yelled. 

Theo grabbed me and helped me stand up while we stand back away from the cave's entrance. We heard a loud bang, and suddenly there was sun light shining through. The loud bangs continues until there was a big enough whole to get us out. 

Theo and i walked over towards the hole, Theo helped me into the hole, while Scott and Derek grabbed me, and pulled through the hole putting me back on my feet. I looked to see Sheriff Stiliniski with a bull dosser.

"y/n you okay?" Malia asked as she looked at my arm, "Yea" Once Theo got out Malia walked over and punched him in the face, "You hurt her, that injury is clearly a werewolf claw" Malia said as she was about to punch him again.

"Malia stop, it was an accident" I said as i stood in between Theo and Malia. She glared at Theo before grabbing my good arm and pulling me away and over towards Melissa who was now looking at my arm. 

Theo walked away and in the direction of his place, with his head hanging low. "Scott, Theo didn't mean it he had a panic attack" I whispered so only Scott would hear he looked at me and then back at Theo before he ran after Theo. 

2 weeks later:

Theo has been avoiding me, since the incident in the cave which was 2 weeks ago. I sat down at lunch with pack when we saw Theo walk towards his truck. "Hey guys ill catch up with you later." I said as i got up and walked out of the school and towards Theo who was sitting in his truck with his head lent on the steering wheel. 

I tapped on his window, making him snap his head up and looked at me with wide eyes. he opened his door and got out. "why have you been avoiding me" I asked getting straight to the point. 

"Its better this way, its in your best interest if you stay away from me and i stay away from you" He said as he looked at the ground with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Don't you think i should get a say in what i believe is best for me?, because if i really didn't feel safe around you i would have come out here to talk to you alone, i wouldn't have told you those things in the cave and i sure as hell wouldn't have convinced Scott to allow Liam to keep you out of hell, We all make mistakes Theo, it just depends whether we build ourselves up from it and learn or we let it destroy us and don't learn from it" I said as i looked at him. 

Theo stood there for a moment not making a move, That was until he cupped my face and slammed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his Neck and kissed him back with as much force that he was kissing me with. 

we pulled away and theo rested his forehead on mine while his eyes were close. i kissed his cheek. he grabbed my hand as we walked back into school. 


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