Imagine 18: The Forbidden Love

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WARNING: This is one of the longest imagines i have ever done enjoy!!


Scott is your brother, Stiles and Scott don't approve of your relationship with Theo. However You decided to breaks up with him in order to stop the fighting between you and Scott, because you were getting sick of it, so you broke up with him, even tho it hurt you to do it.  However Theo had other plans, he didn't want to lose you either.

Your Pov:

you were currently at Theo's house laying with him in his bed watching season 3 of Stranger things. When your phone started to ring. it was your brother Scott, sighing you answered the phone knowing that if you didn't he would be more mad. 

phone call: 

Y = y/n  = Scott

y: Hey scott whats up?

S: Where are you? 

Y: I'm at Theo's why whats wrong?

S: Get home now we need to talk

Y: okay i'll be home soon

S: Scott hanged up. 

As soon as Scott hanged up you looked at Theo, both of you knew what was coming. "Come on I'll drive you home" Theo said as he got out of bed. 

You sighed and got out of bed and grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on before grabbing my bag and walking down stairs to meet Theo by the front door.

"You ready to go?" He asked as he grabbed His car keys. "Yea I guess so" you said as you walked closer to the door. He grabbed your hand and closed the front door before you both got into the car.

Skip car ride.

Once you got to your house you kissed Theo on the cheek.

You walked up to your house but before you reached the door, the door flew open with an angry looking Scott and Stiles with crossed arms.

You looked back at Theo before he drove of in his car. "Y/n get in the house now" Scott said. You knew to just do what he said otherwise he might lash out and go into his alpha mode but you needed Scott to listen. You walked inside and up to your room you were mad, so mad that you locked yourself in your bedroom and wouldn't come out.

There was banging on your bedroom door "y/n open this door right now" Scott said through the door.

You curled your self into a ball with you back against the door as tears ran down your face, why can't he just accept your relationship like you accepted his with Kira.

You let a sob escape you, you wanted to run away from here with Theo but you knew that you would hurt your mum.

Scott's pov:

Once y/n was in the house she ran towards her room. I sighed and looked at Stiles as we both walked up towards her room.

As I was about to knock on her bedroom door I heard a sob come from inside the room. I banged on the door "Y/n, Open this door right now" I said through the door  accept the only  response i received was another sob from my little sister.   I sighed and looked at Stiles. 

"maybe she needs her space Scott" Stiles said as he place on my shoulder "Ik, Its just i want to protect her, Maybe Lydia could talk to her?" I asked "i'll give her a call" Stiles said as he walked down stairs. 

I slid my back against her bedroom door and rested my head against it. I was there for 20 minutes when Lydia and Stiles walked up the stairs. "What did you do this time McCall?" Lydia said "I called her home when she was with Theo and when she got here she went to say something but i cut her off and told her to get inside the house" I replied Lydia looked at me and sighed "Your an idiot Scott" She said before she pushed me out of the road of the door. 

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