Imagine 23: when your Deucalions daughter and he wont let you leave his pack

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Your Deucalions daughter however you hate being apart of his pack, your the only one who is not an alpha because you refuse to kill innocent people just for power. You go to Beacon Hills High, were you are secretly in Scott McCall's pack and you tell him everything that your dad is planning. You see Scott and Theo are the only people that knows your Deaucalion's daughter and know that your trying to get out of his pack. However it's hard for the daughter of an alpha of all alphas to escape from the man that is your father and who your suppose to always stand beside no matter what. 

Your POV: 

I was sitting with my boyfriend Theo Raeken in his car in the middle of the woods talking before i had to leave and go to the warehouse to meet my father and his alpha pack.

I sighed when I saw the time "I have to go Theo, stick to Scott's plan" I said as I opened the door to his truck only for him to grab my hand and pull me back towards him before he cupped face and kissed me.  

I kissed back before getting out of his car and walked back onto a dirt path that led me away from his car and towards the part of the woods towards my Dad and i guess pack. 

As i walked into the warehouse, my father had his back to me however his little pack all looked at me including miss no shoes who glared at me. "My daughter, Y/n, where have you been?" Deucalion asked "I was studying at the Library". I replied as i walked towards my room. 

End of your pov: 

Later that Night: 

Scott and his pack Stormed the warehouse, you were standing beside Deucalion when he whistled and a fight broke out between each pack. That is until miss no shoes grabbed you by the throat "Stop" She yelled making both packs stop fighting and look at us. 

you saw Theo's Eyes glow more yellow with rage and your father looking at her confused. "Deucalion your daughter had been helping Scott's pack, including telling them the truth about all of our plans its the only way they have been able to stop our plans." She said as her grip on my throat tightened. 

"How bout you get your hands off of my Girlfriend before i rip your throat out" Theo growled. Great, "Y/N is this true did you really sell us out for a pack that doesn't know who you even are?" Your father asked looking at you with disbelief in his eyes. 

"Yes, The truth is, I hate being apart of your pack, all you do is kill people, people that don't deserve to be killed all because you are greedy, because you want power." You stated. 

Just Then your father came closer and grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head back aggressively which caused you to be in pain. Just then you heard a low growl, "Give me your daughter" Theo growled. 

Your father laughed "She's my daughter, your just  a guy she's dating why would i listen to you" Deucalion laughed.. Theo looked down at the ground and smirked, "Then I'm taking what's mine" Theo said before Taking out the other werewolves of the pack before making his way towards you and your father. 

Just then your father and Theo started to fight, Theo knew you cared about your dad no matter how badly he treated you, Your dad was all the family you had left. Suddenly the fight ended with your father laying on the ground, groaning in pain at the fact that Theo kicked his butt but also broke his arm. 

Theo walked over towards me, Helping me stand up before he kissed me passionately. he then wrapped an arm around my waist before The pack and Him lead me out of the warehouse, without looking back towards the family i once knew. The truth was i had a new family, a family that cares. 

The end Thank you for reading this imagine. I hope you enjoy this Imagine. 

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