Imagine 20: when Theo tells Donovan to use emotional pain so he kidnaps you

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Your Stile's younger sister and you are currently sitting crossed legged on his bed with your laptop in your lap, trying to figure out who can be kidnapping kids from your school and turning them into Mythical creatures of the night.

Your Pov:

"Stiles I can't find anything, I think we need a break, we have been searching for nearly 3 hours and we have school in the morning" I said as I slammed my laptop shut and stretching by laying completely on his bed.

Stiles turned around and faced me from desk, "I know, I think your right lets give it a rest for tonight, also I'm giving you're a lift to school tomorrow and Scott so be ready by 7:30am" He said, I nodded before walking out of his room and into my own only to see Theo Raeken sitting on my bed.

I close my door and lock it, "THEO what are you doing here?" I whisper yelled. As I walked over to my desk and set down my laptop and books on it. "I wanted to make sure you were safe; I overheard Scott say that there's someone out their kidnapping kids from school and turning them into mythical creatures" Theo said.

"Yea Stiles and I have been researching these creatures but there's not much on it, That we can find for now anyway and I was just about to go to bed because I have to be up early tomorrow" I said as I sat on my bed while Theo stood up and walked to the window, before going through the window he turned towards me and said "see you tomorrow". Theo jumped out of the window. I climbed into bed and turned off all the lights in my room.

At Midnight; Your Pov:

I woke up to a strange noise downstairs in the living room. I quietly walked towards Stiles room to see that he wasn't in there.

Maybe he's downstairs I thought to myself. I walked towards the stairs when I say a dark figure standing at the bottom, that was not Stiles. I went to run but it was too late because the figure was already in front of me. The next thing I knew Darkness took over.

Before The kidnapping; Theo's Pov:

I walked into the warehouse and decided to talk to Donovan, "I want revenge on Stiles Stilinski and his father" Donovan said "well if you want to Hurt him the best pain is emotional pain" I said with a smirk, he nodded and left.

I went and started to work out another part of my plans.

In a mysterious warehouse; Your Pov:

I woke up in a weird place, it was dark and cold and I didn't know where I was or who would even do such a thing. I looked around and realised I was in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the woods. Shit I thought how Stiles or the pack is going to find me.

Just then the rusted door opened showing the figure from before, The moon was the only source of light in this basement of the warehouse, however it glared at the mans face, allowing me to see who my abductor was.

"Donovan??" I asked shocked, why would he want to hurt me? I thought.

He smiled a evil smile, which showed that I should be afraid, Hell I might not even make it out of here a live. Donovan walked closer towards me I was able to see the dried-up blood on his mouth and teeth on the palm of his hands, Weird that's not meant to be there.

Suddenly Realisation struck me, Donovan is one of the victims that had been chosen to become a mythical creature. One that was out for revenge, but what did I have anything to do with his want of revenge.

Donovan came closer and closer until there was no room between us, suddenly he grasped my arms with his teeth filled palms, which sent an excruciating pain up my body. I screamed in pain, "Donovan why are you doing this to me?" I asked in between screams "because I want revenge on your brother and Father".

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