Imagine 30: When you have been taken by Tracy into the woods.

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Y/n POV: 

I got a text  message from Tracy saying to meet on the track course of Beacon Hills high at 8pm sharp. It is currently 7:50 pm and i am 10 mins early so i decided to just chill in my car when i got a text message from Theo saying 

Theo: "Where are you, pack emergency, Something came up  " 

You: "I'm at the school running track, i meant to be meeting Tracy at 8pm, Theo if we can't trust Tracy what is the reason i need to know now" i Texted back 

i was waiting for Theo's reply when suddenly there was a knock on my window i looked and saw Tracy standing there. I quickly turned my location on, on my phone and locked it. I got my keys out of ignition and opened my car door and got out of the car. "Hey Tracy so i just got a message from my mum just as i pulled up and she needs me" I said "Okay well this won't take long" she said, suddenly I felt a excruciating pain in my neck before things started to go blurry  then i felt myself collapse to the ground. 

Tracy's pov: 

I saw Y/n sitting in her car when I arrived, I smirked thinking about how easy she is to get alone. now its time to put my plan into action. I walked over and knocked on her car window and then waited for her to get out of the car. Once she got out of the car she said "Hey Tracy so, I just got a message from my mum just as i pulled up and she needs me" I replied "Okay well this won't take long" right as i pulled a needle out of and inserted it into her neck making her collapse to the ground and pass out. I then picked her up and placed her inside of my car and left her car there in the school parking lot. 

Theo's pov:
Once y/n sent me the text that she was meeting Tracy at the school I knew I had to get there fast before Tracy got there. So i got into my truck and drove towards the school. Once i had arrived at the school I noticed y/n's car still parked in the parking lot however as i walked closer i noticed that her car keys were on the ground, "Shit" I yelled, I grabbed my phone and checked her location only for it to identify that her location is in the Beacon Hills Reserve. So I ran towards the reserve and saw nothing, I kept walking around and decided if i could see anything suddenly i looked towards the ground where i saw something shining in the moonlight. I walked over towards it only to see that it was Y/n's phone laying on the ground i picked it up. 

I called Scott (Th - Theo Sc- Scott

Th- Hey i need you to meet at Beacon Hills Reserve it's Y/n, Tracy has her

Sc - I'll be there

I hung up the phone and waited for Scott outside of the Reserve, "Hey Theo" I turned around to see Scott and Stiles, "Hey look we haven't got much time i tried to warn y/n but it was too late because she was already at the school meeting Tracy" I said "Damn it were could she have taken Y/n?" Stiles said "I have an idea we can track their scent and follow it to wherever they are". Scott said. I nodded and we both started to search for a scent. 

After 30 minutes i finally caught Y/n's scent "Scott over here" I said both him and Stiles came running over "what is it?" Scott asked "I caught y/n's scent its going this way" I replied as I pointed in the direction where the scent is coming from. 

It lead us down to the old chocolate factory that has been abandoned for years. We quietly walked into the factory when we heard y/n's voice "Tracy you don't have to do this" she said.

"Yes I do, otherwise they will kill me" Tracy replied "who?" I asked as I stepped out of the shadows while Scott and Stiles circled her so they were behind her and she was distracted by me.

"Deucalion and his pack, they want me to turn her because they believe that she will become a luna which is a female leader of the pack which becomes the mate of the alpha of the pack" Tracy said.

"She's not even a werewolf let alone a luna" I replied signalling Scott to make a move.

Suddenly Tracy goes to lunge at Y/n but before she can get any where closer to y/n Scott has tackled her down to the ground and I was able to move closer towards y/n and get her untied from the chair as Tracy had her tied up to a random chair in the middle of the room.

Scott had taken Tracy to Stiles jeep and took her towards the police station while I bridal carried y/n out of the abandoned factory and towards my car back at the front of the Reserve.

I laid her in the back of my car and placed one of my blankets over her as she was cold. "Thank you Theo" she mumbled "no worries let's get you home and warmed up" I replied.

I looked in the review mirror and saw that she was slowly starting to go to sleep when I heard her say "Deucalion isn't going to give up so easily is he?" As I saw her look towards me through the review mirror "I guess not but the pack and I won't let anything happen to you, I promise". I replied as I reached behind me and grabbed her hand and gave it a resuring Squeeze.

She gave me a weak smile before falling alseep in the back of my truck. I didn't let go of her hand until I pulled up in my driveway of my house.

I parked my car and got out. I then opened her door and picked her up carrying her bridal style all the way up to my room. Before laying her on my bed and placing her under my covers to get her warm.

"I love you and I will never let anyone or anything hurt you" I whispered as I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

I was about to go sleep down stairs on the couch and leave the room when I heard her mumble "I love you to Theo".
I smiled and closed her door quietly before walking back down stairs and laying down on the couch and falling asleep myself.

I'm glad that we got to her before Tracy did something that would have hurt her.
I guess tomorrow we will have to work out if what Tracy said is true. I thought as my eyes started to get heavy before everything when black as I fell into the dream land called dreams.

(A/n: well guys sorry for the late update but things have been so chaotic due to the fact that I had people come into my home and repaint the walls, now tomorrow we have people coming to clean carpets and the tiles and Wednesday we have our new couch coming and then the weekend I have birthday parties but I'll will be trying to upload the next imagine which is a request as soon as I can so yea..

Anyway thanks for reading hope you guys enjoy this I'm.sorry that this imagine is shorter then normal.


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