Imagine 9: When you break up with Theo

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"Y/n I don't like that kid and i sure as hell do not want him any where near this house or you do i make myself clear" My father said as he looked at me "Yes dad" I said as i walked out of the house on my way to Scott's for the pack meeting.

Once you got there Malia and Kira pulled into the living room away from, Scott, Liam, Stiles, Theo, Hayden, Lydia. "hey to you guys too" I said as the pushed me so i would sit on the couch. "Theo is evil we can feel it none of us trust him we know that you two are dating but you need to be careful he could be dangerous we just don't know how dangerous he is" Malia said as she gave me the 'I'm serious' glare "Okay ill be careful and if he does turn out to be evil you guys can say i told you so" I said as i got off of the couch and walked into the kitchen and stood beside Theo. 

I hate that My father and my friends hate Theo he hasn't given anyone a reason to be suspicious about him.

2 weeks later:

You find out that Theo tried to kill Scott and that Theo is power hungry and is looking for a pack but he doesn't want Scott  to be a part of the pack or the alpha. 

you see Theo sitting on the bleachers with Tracy, Corey and Josh. Tracy noticed you first and came down with her eyes yellow and claws out ready to slash your throat, "Theo we  need to talk" I said as i looked past Tracy who was growling at me. "Tracy enough" Theo said as he walked past her and he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his Truck. 

"Is it true?" You asked him while crossing your arms "Is what true?" Theo asked with a confused expression. "please don't play stupid Theo, is it true that you tried to kill Scott, that you shot Malia, That you hurt Lydia and you tried to get stiles to turn void?" I asked as i looked at him. 

He took a step closer to me but i took a step back. I saw the hurt on his face before he changed "Ill tell you everything but you need to know that everything that we have and the i love yous were all true... But yes its true.. It happened when i was 9 years old and the dread doctors came and i killed my sister because they convinced me that she wanted my heart and now they said that i had to kill Scott and gain the pack, I never wanted to hurt you that's why i convinced the dread doctors to keep you out of it and for Tracy, Corey and Josh to leave you alone." Theo said this time he reached out for me but i took another step back, away from him. 

I couldn't believe it My friends were right all along he was evil but i was blinded by love that i didn't see it. I let the tears run down my face as i looked at him. His eyes were watering "I. I need space so i can think all of this through, please stay away from me Theo, when i'm ready ill come and talk to you" I said as i walked around Theo and out of the car park. 

I could hear Theo yelling my name and begging me to come back. I walked faster until I got to Scott's house i saw, Lydia's car, Stiles Jeep and Haydens and Masons car. 

I walked in completely drenched i didn't even realise that it was raining until i walked into the McCall house and Melissa commented "Y/n Honey, are you okay?" She asked "I shook my head" the rest of the pack noticed my mood Scott running up stairs to get towels and some dry clothes for me. 

I walked into the bathroom and got changed, I felt so numb that i didn't even feel the cold air brush my wet skin. I was about to walk out when the bathroom door burst open, Hayden, Malia,Lydia and Kira all looked at me and wrapped me in a bear hug "We're sorry we were all hoping we were wrong" Kira said. 

I didn't even realise i was crying until Lydia wiped my eyes "Its okay you were all right and i was blinded because i really thought he was the one" I replied as i used the sleeve of Scott's hoodie to wipe the tears that were running down my cheek. 

"Wait how did you know that was the reason why i was upset also aren't you gonna say I told you so?" I asked as i looked up at the girls. 

"Scott noticed that Theo didn't drop you off like normal and no we arent gonna say that because if it was one of us in your position you wouldn't say it to us" Lydia said. 

"Come on we're having a movie marathon and the boys are waiting down stairs so lets go" Hayden said as she pulled me out of the bathroom and down the stairs into the living room and onto the couch so i was sitting between Liam and Mason. 

I rested my head on Liam's shoulder while wrapped an arm around my shoulder as a type of comfort. This is why i loved my pack, they will always be there for me no matter what. 

The next day (School day ) 

 you woke up on the couch with your head on Liam's chest and your legs on Mason's Lap. Liam had his arm wrapped around my waist as we were sleeping. 

I slowly sat up careful not to wake up Liam only for that to fail. "Mmmhhm" Liam mumbled as he opened his eyes "Hey" I said as i looked at his eyes "Hey" he replied as he smiled. 
"We have school" Mason said as he pushed my legs off of his lap nearly making me fall off of the couch in the process. 

"Mas" I squealed right before i fully fell off of the couch Liam caught me, all three of us were laughing.  I sat up and walked into the kitchen to see Scott, Stiles and Mason shoving food into their mouths Guys i swear are animals.

"You ready for school?" Stiles asks me. suddenly it dawned on me I would have to face Theo and there's no way i'm going to be able to avoid him. 

"I guess, at Lunch are you guys going to the Library?" I asked "Yea why?" Scott asked "Because i Need to sort somethings out with Theo but i'll meet you guys in the library" I said they all nodded. 

once we were all ready we got into cars. I got in Mason's car with him and Liam. we were mucking around and joking about random stuff. 

We pulled up into the car park of the school and I saw Theo's truck. Tracy, Corey and Josh were all standing around it as well as Theo I adverted my eyes away from them and walked with Mason and Liam towards the rest of the pack. 

Malia threw one of her arms around my shoulder, while she gave Theo a death glare. we walked into the school. Mason, Liam and i all had history together and normally i would sit next to Theo and that was our seating plan, if you didn't sit in your correct seat you would get a detention. 

I sat there and So did Theo, I could see that he was staring at me and he looked as if he wanted to say something. I turned to face him when i said "Meet me in the library at lunch we need to talk" he nodded and the bell for next class signalled, allowing students to leave the classroom. 

Skip to Lunch:

I was waiting in the library with Mason, Liam, Hayden, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Kira, while i waited to talk to Theo. "are you sure you wanna talk to him alone?" Lydia asked "Yea, I mean you guys are up hear and most of you will be able to hear the conversation anyway and I know he won't hurt me" I said as i looked at the library door to see Theo walking in. 

"He's here, I'll be back" I said as i stood up and walked down towards Theo. we walked behind a book case. "Before you start talking i need you to know that i had no choice the dread doctors threatened that if i didn't do what they said they would kill you and i couldn't loose you" Theo said all in one breath. "Look Theo I wanted to tell that its over between us, I can't trust you anymore, because i don't know if your telling the truth or if your lying and not only that but you attacked my friends Theo, you hurt them and broke their trust, Therefore you hurt me and you broke my trust... I'm sorry Theo but we are done, please don't call or come near me, and don't make this harder then it already is" I said as i was about to walk past him  I looked at his face and it was sad looking (like in Gif above) when he said three words that broke me completely.

"I Love you, Y/n" he said, I stopped walking for a moment before continuing to walk back up stairs towards the pack and not looking back at him. 


Thanks for reading 

This was a sad imagine, Until Next time peeps 

P.S. Don't forget to love yourself <3 

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