Imagine 5: Part 2 to Imagine 1

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Warning: SMUT a head please Read at your own risk. 

I recommend for people  18+ Only!!!

Narrator's POV: 

Its been  3 months since you had fought against the ghost riders. However Theo kept his promise everyday for the past 3 months, he earned your trust back. Once again stole your heart. Scott, Lydia, Stiles , Kira and Malia left for college or Stiles left for the academy. 

You were currently walking down the hallway of Beacon Hills High with your books in your hands and your bag slung over one of your shoulders. You were walking beside Mason Talking about his relationship with Corey. 


"Mason i really don't need to know the details of your sex life Mas" I said as i laughed he punched my shoulder gently "Shut up Y/n/n" Mason said as he laughed. 

we turned around a corner only to see Cory, Liam,Hayden, Tracy and Theo talking. I nudged Mason's arms as we walked closer to the boys.  Mas just gave me that look as if to say WTF

we walked over towards the boys. Corey slung his arm over Mason's shoulder and kissed his head. I walked over and stood between Theo and Liam.  

"so Theo, are you free tonight?" Tracy asked while running her up his arm. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at Hayden who gave me that look that says who the fuck does she think she is. 

"y/n come with me, I need to talk to you" Hayden said pulling me away from the group g  down the hall into the girls locker room. "what did you wanna talk bout Hay" I asked as i turned around and faced her, "you and Theo are good right?" she asked "Yea why?" I asked "Well for a fact i know that Theo is trying to make you Jealous with Tracy, I over heard them talking earlier" Hayden said "Really well two can play this game, Have you seen Nolan ?" I asked smirking at her, She just smirked back at me. 

" I think he has Lacrosse with Liam and Theo right now  and we have soccer" Hayden said. we quickly got changed. Once Hayden and I were ready we walked out of the locker room and down to the field which was next to the Lacrosse field where the boys would be training. Hayden and I walked over towards the boys. I stood closer to Nolan. "Hey Nolan we have that English project right?" I asked. 

"Yea come over to mine say 7 pm and we can work on it" He replied with a wink and a smirk. "Sounds good see you later, Come on Hayden we have practice" I replied as we walked back towards the soccer field. 

during practice you and Nolan have been flirting, you would send smirks and winks his way he would send winks and lick his lips while smirking back at you. Hayden gave you the look that says Theo is jealous i can smell him from here. You would smile at her and keep practising. 

after practise: Narrator's pov: 

  you and Hayden split up she went and met up with Liam while you went to the girls locker room to change out of your dirty clothes.  

Y/n POV: 

I was in my Bra and Undies when i was pinned up against the wall of the girls locker room. "you think you can tease me and get away with it" I knew that voice "well maybe Next time Theo don't start a game you can never win" I replied while i moved my face closer to his ear "Maybe next time make sure Hayden isn't around when you and Tracy try to make me Jealous" I whispered in his ear. 

allowing my hot breath touch his skin. I noticed the goosebumps on his skin and i  knew i had him where i wanted him. 

I took a step back and looked at Theo's face only to see his eyes had darken with lust. "if you don't mind i still have to meet with Nolan to work on my English project" I said as i made a move to walk around Theo. 

Only for him to pin me against the cold wall once again with both his hands flat against the wall beside my head. "You're not going anywhere, you might as well call  Nolan and cancel" he whispered into my ear. 

" and what if i don't i mean apparently Nolan is sooo good in bed" i replied challenging Theo which i know will either be a mistake or this might just go my way, i already messaged  Nolan earlier  saying that something came up. 

He slammed his lips to mine, deepening the kiss so it became heated. We pulled away for a second when Theo used his werewolf claws and ripped my bra to shreds. "Hey that was my favourite bra" I mumbled "Ill buy you a new pair" he mumbled against my neck as he left hickeys and kisses. 

"Theo" i moaned as he kissed my sweet spot, I pushed him away and pulled his t-shirt from his body, running my hand and fingers down his chest down to his abs. You then kissed his neck leaving a hickey of your own. 

Theo grabbed your ass "Jump" he mumbled against your lips, You did as you were told and wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you towards a seat between the lockers. 

He placed your back against the cold metal as he kissed down your neck to the valley of your breast and down your stomach. stopping once he reached the top of your underwear. 

Your grabbed his face and pulled him back up towards your face. "Reaken if you don't fuck me right now i am getting up and going over to Nolan's so he can" I said. 

Theo's eyes glowed the honey yellow before he completely ripped off my underwear and his own pants and boxers. 

His lips crashed against mine as he trusted into my tight wet pussy. "Damn baby girl your so wet, who made you this wet" Theo asked " You did Daddy" you moaned as he trusted harder and faster into you. 

"He started biting your neck as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and used this angle to his advantage as he slammed into you leaving just the tip at your entrance before slamming into you hitting your g-spot making you moan uncontrollably. 

"FUCK DADDY Right there please don't stop" you moaned. you felt Theo smirk against your skin as he slammed into harder if that was even possible. 

"DADDY LET ME RIDE YOU" you say in between moans he flipped you both so you were now on top of him. you rested your hands on his chest as you rocked your hips meeting his. 

"UGH BABY Girl Im gonna cum" he moaned as he sat up so his back was resting against the locker. "Me too Daddy, i wanna feel you cum inside me" you said as you rolled your hips in a figure 8. 

Theo and you both came at the same time. Theo stood up and grabbed your towel that you normally use after you have a shower and cleaned you and himself up. Before he gave you your pants and his t-shirt, before he got himself dressed. 

"I'll give you a lift home" Theo said as he smiled at you "Sure, but next time you wanna try and make me jealous just remember two can play the game" I replied as i kissed his cheek walking past him. 

Only to receive a growl and a slap on the ass. "Well maybe if you didn't play hard all the time i wouldn't have to" He replied as he picked up his lacrosse bag. 

"well maybe if the sex is gonna be this good i might mess around with Nolan more often" I replied kissing Theo's lips before walking away and towards his truck with a smirk on my face knowing that i won this fight. 

The End, Thanks for reading sorry if the smut part is bad i forgot how awkward it is to write a smut LMAO

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