Imagine 3: when your being forced to torture Theo

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Narrators pov: 

Your a hunter and your father is known as one of the heartless hunters who doesn't show anyone mercy. However you were raised to be like him but you couldn't lie to yourself you fell for a Chimera. 

You were careful so your father wouldn't find out about him otherwise he would be dead. 

Y/n Pov: 

"Theo" i laughed as he tackled me to the ground, we were currently in the Beacon Hills Reserve. Theo was helping me train, "What" he asked as he smirked at me. Suddenly There was an arrow shot right beside Theo. Theo's eyes widen when a couple of guys grabbed Theo and sedated him before Throwing him into the back of a black Van. 

"Y/n" Your father came running to check you for injuries "Dad I'm fine, he's a friend" I said as i tried to move towards Theo only for my dad and his best hunter other then me stop me from moving towards the black van. 

"What have i told you y/n about the supernatural creatures Y/n their dangerous and they can't be trusted" He said as he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into his car. we drove up to our facilities. i walked to my room. 

an hour later there was a knock on the door "what" I said as i opened the door. "your father wants you down in the basement" Ryan said as he escorted me down the wall and into the basement. 

That's where i heard Theo's voice "Where is she, Where's y/n?" Theo asked getting angry. thats when i walked in i gave looked at Theo who seemed to calm down to see me and that i was not harmed. 

I saw two other werewolves who i didn't know. My father threw water over them all. I gave Theo a look that said 'don't say anything'. 

My father walked over towards me with the dial in his hand, "i'm gonna make you stronger y/n, there is no room for mercy or love" My father said as he slammed the dial in my hand. 

"Dad don't make me do this" I said as i looked at the dial, "you need to chose y/n, what side are you on" he said as he backed away from me and stood behind me. 

"It's okay y/n just do it" Theo said as he looked at me. I did put it on medium and pushed it electrocuting Them. 

That's when i couldn't keep doing it anymore so  i stopped and turned to face my father "I'm sorry dad, but not every supernatural creature is killing innocent people, Theo is a part of the McCall Pack and so am i, we don't kill unless their proven guilty," I said as i walked closer to Theo and untied him from the metal wall. 

Suddenly, the other hunters stood beside us, "Sir with all respect, your daughter is right, there's a new motto that your daughter has shown us all its Keep everyone Alive no matter whether their human or not" Ryan said as he looked at. I nodded in approval at him. 

My father looked at me "I've did everything you wanted, I know the only reason why you kill anything that is supernatural is because a creature killed mum and you weren't there to protect her, But dad its not your fault" I said as i walked closer to my father and placed my hand on his shoulder.

I looked at my father "your right, That's why i am no longer the leader of the silver hunters, You are Y/n, you have done more then enough to prove that you are ready to lead this group" My father said as he handed over a necklace, "I had this made, your the moon and your mother is the sun, I'm proud of you y/n your exactly like your mother" My dad hugged me before walking out of the room. 

all the other hunters walked out of the room, leaving just me and Theo. I turned around to see Theo with a smile on his face and his arms wide open. 

"well that went better then expected" He laughed as i buried my head into his chest. and his chin resting on my head as his arms are wrapped around my waist. 


So sorry this on is really short then normal. 

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