Imagine 19: When you ask him where your daughter is.

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Y/D/N= your daughter's name

Y/E/C= your Eye colour

Your Pov:

Theo and I have a three-year-old daughter who has dark brown Hair like Theo's and but Y/e/c and smile.

You just came down stairs after having a shower when you realised that your husband and daughter has gone quiet.

"Hey babe have you seen Y/d/n?" you asked Theo when you walked into the living room, "I have no clue" he said as he raised his eyes brows and shrugged his shoulders, with a sly smile on his face.

I looked at him when I heard a little giggle coming from behind one of the couches, so I turned towards that couch but made out that I didn't know that she was there. I laid down with me head in Theo's Lap who ran his fingers through my hair.

I sighed before saying, "Ah what a shame y/d/n isn't here, I was gonna watch Aladdin and cuddle with Daddy" I said as I reached for the remote. Theo wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled into my neck.

Suddenly our little toddler came running out of her hiding place and jumped onto me and Theo. "Hey mummy and daddy" She said as she laid her head on my chest while I laid mine on Theo's Chest. Theo leaned down and placed a kiss on Y/D/N's head and then kissed my head before wrapping his arms around the both of us while we watched Aladdin.

Conversation between you, Theo and your daughter:

Y=bold and your daughter = italics Theo= Bold and italics

y/d/n: Mummy?

You: Yes hunny?

y/d/n: is daddy your Aladdin?

You: of course he is

y/d/n: Daddy?

Theo: yes baby girl?

y/d/n: is mummy your Jasmine?

Theo: No baby she's not, you see you're my princess Jasmine, your mummy is my Queen.

y/d/n: Really? Does that mean Max is my Rajah?

Your daughter asked as she pointed to our German Shepard named max. Making me laugh and Theo Chuckled.

Theo: Yes baby girl that makes Max your Rajah

y/d/n: Can I have a baby brother so I can call him Abu?

This made me laugh harder at the expression Theo had on his face.

Theo: maybe one day

Soon after the movie finished, I looked down to see that y/n/d was fast asleep, I looked over at Theo only to see him looking at me and y/d/n "what?" I asked he just smiled and shrugged, "Nothing, to think how far we have come especially me after everything we went through with the pack and I don't know I never thought that I would ever get to have a family actually I never thought that I would get you" Theo said as he slowly sat up and grabbed y/d/n before walking up stairs and took her to bed.

I followed him as we walked up stairs I walked into our bedroom. Soon Theo came in and hoped into bed. "you know I am really happy that we stayed together and worked things out because if we didn't I wouldn't have known what it would have been like to have a family with you" I said as I looked at Theo who had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Me too Im glad I married you before you could run away, because I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing wife and a soon to be child on the way". This made me confused.

"Wait what do you mean child on the way?" I asked raising an eyebrow towards the man I love. "Well you Heard y/d/n, she wants a baby brother, so we might as well get to work" Theo said as he hovered over me, "you really want another child and go through pregnancy again?" I asked as he kissed my cheek.

"yea why not, I mean I know that the labour was a horrible experience for you especially since we nearly lost y/d/n, that day, I saw and smelt how scared you were" Theo said "okay fine if were doing this then okay im down but we're not doing it tonight." I replied.

Theo nodded before kissing my head and laid down beside me before pulling me closer to his chest, as I wrapped one of my arms around his waist.


Silver wolf xx

Sorry this one is kind of short. 

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