Imagine 34: when the pack sends Theo to hell

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(A/n: this imagine is gonna be short sorry in advance)

Y/n pov:
You were currently standing in the middle of Scott's living room. However you didn't hear a thing they were saying you were trying to understand and process the information that you were given earlier that day. However it was no use... You couldn't hear a thing over the sound of your heart breaking.

Earlier that day.
"Y/n I swear to god Theo isn't who he says he is... Look we have proof okay he's attacked Scott and he's working with the dread doctors" Stiles said as I was leaning up against my locker. As he said that I couldn't hear a thing other then my heart shattering into small pieces.

I could see Stile's mouth moving but I couldn't hear a word. I walked down the hall away from the pack and into the girls locker room and lent up against the wall.

How could this have happened?... Why did I trust Theo? All these questions running through my head and noting was making sense

Did Theo just use me to get to Scott and the rest of the pack? Does he even love me? Was our relationship all pretend to him?

I didn't realise I was crying until I was brought into a hug. I looked up and saw Lydia who was hugging me and saw Malia, Kira and Hayden who all had sorrow and concern on their faces.

No one said anything we just sat there in complete silence.
I decided to get up and wash my face. I didn't understand Theo's reasonings for why he did what he did but I knew that the pack has a plan to stop him from hurting others.

For the rest of the day I tried to stay clear of Theo and I avoided him the whole time. That day after school we went straight to Scott's to discuss whatever it is.

Currently at Scott's house.

"Here's the plan y/n your going lure Theo down into this tunnel and then Kira is going to use her and send him to hell." Scott said.

"I'm sorry Scott but I can't go... I can't be there when you send him away" I said "y/n the only way for this to work is if you there." Scott said.

I sighed.

Later that night we were all in the tunnel and suddenly when we got to the right part Theo said " what's going on why are we here?" He looked at me but Stiles stiff in front of me suddenly Scott and Kira slammed her katanna into the concrete floor. Suddenly the ground started to open up and a bright light started to shine through.

I burried my head into Stiles chest. Not watching  Theo being sent to hell. Suddenly Theo was being dragged down as he was he was yelling out Scott's name and begging him not to do this..

Right as the ground was about to close I heard Theo tell my name before the ground fully closed and there was only silence left.

I let go of Stiles and walked away. I walked out of the tunnel and into the beacon hills reserve and found my favourite place the only place I ever felt safe and where I could collect my thoughts.

However it was like a movie being played inside my head except it wasn't a movie it was memories of Theo and I being together all the good until the bad started to over take the good memories.

The end.
Thanks for reading this imagine.
So sorry that it is Soo short.
Peace out Sw

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