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So I know many of U are waiting for an update but I won't be updating for while due to uni assessments which has put so much pressure on me that my anxiety has sky rocketed due to the stress that I have been feeling which has affected my mental health to a point where I am struggling to sleep let alone keep my head above water.

There's days where I want to give up but I don't because my quote that I live by is.

"It's not over when you lose, it's over when you quit- unknown".

I will be uploading once I have no assessments left which I think will be sometime in October.

Ill place a A/N when I find out the dates or when I will be updating so please stay tuned.

I hope you can all understand that I wished I could write but lately things are getting so hectic that I feel like I'm drowning.

Thank you for ur understanding.

Peace ✌️SilverWolf out for now

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