Imagine 22: when Scott tells Theo that you would never date a guy like him

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Heads up: This is going to be short imagine

Warning: This is just the conversation between Scott and Theo during their English class that they have together.

Scott's POV: 

I was sitting in English when Theo walked in great just great, He's going to ask me about Y/n again I just know it. Why cant he get it, She wont date someone like Him. Especially when the rest of the pack don't trust him.  

He sat down in front of me, "so uh Scott can I ask you a question?" Theo asked as he turned around "no but you will anyway" I replied he "does Y/n like me?" He asked this made me arch an eyebrow at him.

"Um I don't think so I think she's in to  Brett, besides Theo she'd never date a guy like you, you see your unreliable, you don't tell people the truth and your always acting like you have secrets oh did I mention you act like a major asshole with a big ego to nearly all the girls at the school, so yea she wouldn't date you so just give up" I said.

I know this sounds so harsh but it's trye, you know hes acts like a player to everyone and y/n deserves so much better than him or anyone for that matter.

Theo's pov: 

After Scott said that I sunk into my chair and looked at him confused. Wow thanks for sugar coating in. Scott's not wrong though, I do act like a major asshole.

I sighed. I lost track of time because the next thing I know the bell rang signaled the end of English and start of lunch.

I walked down the hall way and looked to.see y/n at her locker and Brett Tabolt leaning against with his is stupid smile. His younger sister walking towards them.

Maybe Scott was right I'm the not right guy for her Brett is.

I sighed turning around and walking out of school. Once I got to my truck I jumped in and drove out of the school and away

The end thanks you for reading sorry this was so short...

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