Imagine 32: Part 2 to when you have been taken by Tracy into the woods

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A/N: Hey Guys this imagine is going to be short

Three weeks after Tracy kidnapping you, you and Theo did some digging to try and figure out if your really a true Luna or if what Tracy had said the night that she had kidnapped me and took me to that abandoned chocolate factory.

However since Tracy failed to do what Deucalion wanted therefore he wasn't going to give up so easily. So Scott and Theo have been on the look out for Deucalion and his pack. Which means Scott has put a strategy in to ensure that one I am never left alone
Two Deucalion doesn't have a chance to attack me
Three wherever I go some one from the pack will go for example
- Monday's I have soccer practice and I volunteered at the hospital, during soccer practice Liam, Scott and Stiles are watching me from the lacrosse feild
Durning my volunteering Theo watching and following me
- Tuesdays I have maths with Lydia so she's my designated baby sitter for that whole day.
- Wednesdays I have English with Theo and Hayden which means babysitters for the whole day.
-thursdays Malia and Stiles for history class
-fridays scott and Kira who I have chemistry with.

Saturday and Sunday Theo and Scott both come and sleep over at mine. They also train me to protect myself during the day and sometimes Derek will come and help.

So I never get time to myself, and it's really starting to frustrate me. I needed time to myself.

And today is Saturday and honestly it's just another day of being babysat.

I'm not as useless as everyone thinks.
I was sitting on my bed and the boys were down stairs I decided to get some air.

I grabbed my phone and earphones mad climbed out my window. I climbed up to the roof and closed my window.
I placed my earphones in my ears and started to listen to "medicine" by Anth and Conor Maynard. And looked up to the stars when suddenly someone stuck their head out of my window.

When i realised that it was Theo i sighed and tapped his head which caused him to look up at me and started to climb up and sat down beside me. He heard me sigh "what's wrong?" He asked "if I be honest please don't get angry or annoyed ..." I said hesitantly.

He just nodded in response. "Having everyone care is really great and all but I hate having people following me around all day every day 24/7 but honestly I need my own space, I know that you and Scott have your hearts in the right place but a girl can only take so much of people looking over her shoulder every 2 seconds, it's annoying I get that you and Scott just want to make sure I'm safe but I need space Theo" I said all in one breath.

He looked over at the other side of the house and back at me " I get it, its just we don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you either" he said as he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Ok then we need to work something out because as much as I love everyone I really feel suffocated being watched all the time" I said as I leaned my head onto his shoulder only for him to kiss my head.

" We'll talk about this in the morning but can we go back inside cause it's late and we have school?" Theo mumbled into my hair.

I just nodded and we both started to climb down and go back into my window where Scott was sitting on my bed.

"Oh thank god you found her where the hell were you y/n?" He asked as he picked me up and pretty much Squeezed the air out of my lungs.

"Scott I can't breathe" I said he quickly let me down. " Where have U been?" He asked again "I was sitting on the roof I just needed some space" I replied.

He nodded "ok well I heard the rest of your conversation and I think that maybe weekends you can have to your self as long as you tell me or Theo where you are going if you go out, also at school Theo and I will be the only ones that will keep and eye on you, does this seem fair?" Scott asked.

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