Imagine 14: When he tells you how he feels about you

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reader's pov: 

I was currently watching Brooklyn 9-9 on Netflix, in my black sweatpants and my Blue hoodie that said LA, when There was a knock on my front door.  I paused the Episode and got off the couch and walked towards the door. 

I opened the door to see Theo Raeken standing there "Hey Theo whats up?" I asked as i Looked at the boy standing there in front of me. "Hey y/n are you busy?" Theo asked "Um no come in" I said as we walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "So whats up?" I asked as i sat cross legged on the couch facing the bad boy of Beacon hills who was currently sitting in my living room. 

" I uh don't know how to say this, and i kinda don't want to embarrass myself but I have feelings for this girl and i'm not sure if she feels the same?" He said all in one breath "Wait is the big Bad Chimera Nervous because of a girl?" I asked teasing Theo, "Yea i guess shes the only one who can make me feel like this" He replied. ever since Liam brought Theo back from the underground, he seems to have changed, for the better at least anyway, "So who is this Mystery girl?" I asked, pretending that it doesn't affect me, but when deep down it does, I have had a thing for Theo ever since he first came to beacon hills but i never said anything, I know that he hurt people in the pass but i believe that everyone should be given a second chance. 

"The mystery girl is, well um you" He replied while scratching the back of his neck, "Wait you have feelings for me?" I asked Theo with wide eyes. He just nodded, "Well I like you too" I replied as he snapped his head towards my direction, "Wait, you do, even after everything i did, to the pack?" He asked "well I mean i don't agree with what you did, but i do believe that everyone deserves a second chance as long as they learned from their mistakes" I said. 

Theo gave me a smile as he lifted his head up from looking at the ground (like in GIF above). "well i should get going, I'll see you at school tomorrow, before i go i have one question for you, will you go on  a date with me?" Theo asked me "I'd love to" I replied before he smiled at me and lent down. i thought he was going to kiss me but he kissed my cheek. 

"Okay well see you tomorrow" Theo said before walking out of my front door and down to his truck which is parked on the driveway. I waved goodbye before closing the door and walking back to the couch to finish watching  Brooklyn 9-9 with a smile on my face, I cant wait for school tomorrow. 


A/N: sorry that this one is so short, the next one will be longer

enjoy reading.

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