Imagine 26:Stiles and Theo fight because your Stiles little sister

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(A/N: In this imagine Theo does not try and take over Scott's pack but he is a part of Scott's pack. the only reason why Theo and Stiles don't fully get along is because of the fact that Stiles doesn't trust Theo especially when dating you). 

You and Theo have been dating Theo for the last couple of months. Your father Sheriff Stilinski is okay with you and Theo being together. However your older brother Stiles doesn't like the idea of you and Theo together. 

Stiles has a lot of opinions about your relationship with Theo you have told him multiple times that he doesn't have to worry because Theo would never hurt you and he has proved that to you on multiple occasions where he has saved and protected you when the pack has had to protect people and defend Beacon hills. 

Stiles' POV: 

Theo and I were paired together when we were at the hospital we went and checked things out on the roof of the hospital while my sister Y/N went with Lydia and checked on our dad. who had been injured by this supernatural creature that we still haven't worked out what it is or who it is. 

"we should probably make sure that the roof is all clear before going back down" Theo said "Please, the only person we should be keeping an eye on is you" I replied as i rolled my eyes at him. "What did i ever do to you?" Theo asked getting annoyed "Okay one you show up out of no where after you left in the 5th grade, second your dating my sister and i still can't work out what she see in you, thirdly your probably just using my sister for whatever sick and twisted game you are playing and fourthly i want you out of this town and far away from my sister" I replied pinning him against the fence. 

Suddenly Theo pinned me against the fence "I would never hurt her she means to much to me and when she was ever in danger i was there to protect her where were you, huh Stiles you were always to worried about Malia or everybody else but her. Every time she was hurt she wanted you there but you weren't there I was. So don't you dare say that i do not care about her or that i would never do anything for her because i would die for her" He said as he pushed me before walking out off of the roof. 

Theo's POV: 
I was pissed off with Stiles so after telling him the truth i walked back down stairs and towards the room that Y/n is waiting with Lydia in because of the fact that this supernatural creature is after her. 

I walked into the room and Y/n saw me instantly she walked over towards me "hey what happened?" She asked knowing that i was annoyed. I was quiet which resulted in her pulling me out of the room and down the hall into another room. 

"So what happened between you and Stiles because you are obviously pissed off?" she said as she looked at me "Stiles just said some things and it annoyed me" I said as I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. she rested her head on my shoulder "What did Stiles say to you?" she asked into my shoulder 

"He was saying like how i should be the one that everyone should be keeping an eye on and then i asked him what i did to him for him to hate me and he replied, one you show up out of no where after you left in the 5th grade, second your dating my sister and i still can't work out what she see in you, thirdly your probably just using my sister for whatever sick and twisted game you are playing and fourthly i want you out of this town and far away from my sister"  I said she pulled away from the hug and looked at me, great now shes annoyed at him. "Where is he now?" she asked "Babe don't do what i think your about to do" i said as i tried to stop her from leaving the room that we were in. 

"No Theo I am sick and tired of him saying things when i'm not around and i so tired of him having opinions about our relationship" she said as she walked into the room that everyone else was in and Stiles was sitting right there talking to Scott with Malia sitting on his lap.

Y/n POV: 

After walking into the room that everyone was in i saw Stiles and i was ready to blow Stiles head off, " Stiles what the hell is your problem?" i asked as i walked closer towards him, " Look Y/n/n let me explain.." "No Stiles you have no right saying that to Theo let alone our relationship is none of your business just like your relationship with Malia isn't my business". i said

Scott got in between me and stiles because at this point we were both yelling at each other. I was so mad that i was ready to leave. "I don't care Stiles you don't have a right to say anything that you said to Theo because it is none of your business" I said as i walked out of the room and down the hall way. 

I walked out of the hospital and towards Theo's truck and lent on it waiting for Theo to come, He came and saw me leaning against his truck he knew that i was mad and annoyed with my brother. 

"Hey you okay?" He asked "I think so" I replied he hugged me "Do you wanna go home?" He asked i just nodded as best as i could considering that my face was buried into his chest he kissed my head before we both got into the car. 

The end 

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