Imagine 27: You find Theo in the school Library late at night

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Y/n POV: 

I pulled into the car park of Beacon hills high school, I saw another car that was parked in the car park. I walked towards the door of the library and walked in. 

I went to the shelf  with the books that I need in order to complete my assessment for english, I grabbed the books i needed and walked towards the tables when i noticed another person sitting down with their head in their hands.. As i walked closer i realised who it was. 

"Theo?" I asked he looked up (like in gif above) "OH hey y/n" he replied "Hey do you mind if i sit with you?" I asked  "Nah i don't mind" He replied. I sat there and looked at him. "what are you doing here at this time of night?" I  asked as I opened the book to the page i needed to read . 

"I needed to get away from my dad" He replied I nodded and looked at him, You see there have been rumours that Theo's dad is an alcoholic and abusive "I have to ask but there's been a lot of rumours that your dad is abusive and an alcoholic, You don't have to you answer but i was just curious" I said as i looked at him. 

"Yea he is but i denied it to everyone else, but its all true" He said as he looked down at the table. "well if you ever need a place to stay your welcome at my place" I said. 

I hope i didn't make a mistake.

Theo looked at me shocked "Thanks but i thought you and your friends hated me" Theo asked "i mean Hates a strong word but Stiles doesn't like nor trust easily but i wouldn't say we hate you more like their curious and cautious around you" I replied he just nodded and looked at me. 

3 hours later. 

"Wow i didn't even realise the time i should probably get home before my mum  or brother realises that i am missing" I said as i started to pack all of my things back into my bag. "I'll walk you to your car" Theo said as he grabbed his things and we walked out of the school and towards the car park. 

"Hey Y/n do you have a minute, maybe i could show you something? you don't have to if you really need to go home" he said. 

I thought about it for a while "Sure just let me chuck my bag in my car and we can go" I said i made sure that I had my phone in my pocket. 

"We can go in my car and then ill bring you back here to grab your car" Theo said, "Sounds good" I replied. We walked towards Theo's truck and got in. He started the truck and started to drive. Suddenly We pulled into the Beacon hills Reserve. He turned the ignition off and we just sat there in the truck. 

"Theo what are we doing here?" I asked as i looked at him. "Honestly this is were i come if i need a place to think and i thought since its nearly 5 in the morning i figured we could watch the sun rise" He said. 

I have to admit i am seeing a different side to Theo Raeken. 

"Sounds good to me" I replied Theo and i got out of the truck and walked to the front and sat on the bonnet of the car and we just talked about random things. 

"So what does it feel like to be a chimera/werewolf?" I asked as we sat there looking at the sky and watching the stars. "well it has is advantages, like speed, strength etc, but honestly without a pack its sucks" He replied "well just think it sucks be human especially when supernatural creatures are coming for you" I replied as I was still looking at the sky. 

"your probably the only one who hasn't judged me for my mistakes" Theo said breaking the silence. "we all make mistakes i mean i sure have had my fair share of mistakes" i replied. 

All of a sudden I felt a cold rush of wind and it made me shiver Theo grabbed a blanket from the back of his truck and wrapped it around us, "Thanks" I said, I didn't realise how close we really were until i felt his arm around my waist pulling me closer towards him. I felt comfortable and safe in his arms. I was so tired that i rested my head on his shoulder. 

Theo's POV: 

I saw Y/n shiver so I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around both of us. Suddenly she rested her head on my shoulder. "Maybe we should get going its nearly 7..." I said as i looked down and noticed that she was already asleep. It's a good thing we don't have school tomorrow.

 I opened the back door of the truck before picking Y/n and putting her in the back of the car to sleep. Once she was in i closed the door and hoped in the front of the car and went to sleep myself, I guess i should probably take her home in the morning.

The end 

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