Imagine 21: Part 2 to Imagine 19

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8 months ago: 

"Me too I'm glad I married you before you could run away, because I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing wife and a soon to be child on the way". This made me confused.

"Wait what do you mean child on the way?" I asked raising an eyebrow towards the man I love. "Well you Heard y/d/n, she wants a baby brother, so we might as well get to work" Theo said as he hovered over me, "you really want another child and go through pregnancy again?" I asked as he kissed my cheek.

"yea why not, I mean I know that the labour was a horrible experience for you especially since we nearly lost y/d/n, that day, I saw and smelt how scared you were" Theo said "okay fine if were doing this then okay im down but we're not doing it tonight." I replied. 


You were currently laying on your's and Theo's Shared bed when you had the need to go to the bathroom, just as you stood up you felt a gush of water fall from between your legs, No you did not just pee yourself your water just broke. 

after realising what happened you screamed out for Theo. "THEO" I yelled the whole pack was downstairs discussing things about the new threat to beacon hills, Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your lower stomach making you sit on the floor clutching your stomach. 

"babe are you okay?" Theo said as he slammed the door open, followed by Scott, Stiles, Liam, Kira, Lydia , Malia, Mason, and Hayden. "I think my water broke" I said in between breaths.  Theo came running over and crouching down to my level. "Uh i think we should get her to the hospital" Lydia said Theo picked me up bridal Style while Liam grabbed our daughter Y/d/n and placed her in his and Hayden's car while Theo picked me up and placed me in his truck, before running to his side and getting into the car, before speeding off towards the hospital. 

Theo couldn't contain his excitement except it was not the time, "Theo i know your excited but I'm in pain SO FOCUS ON THE DAMN ROAD" I yelled when a sharp contraction hit me like a truck.  

"Im sorry babe i cant wait for the little guy to come" he said as he looked at me (Like gif above). "We don't even know if its a girl or a boy because someone wanted it as surprise" I said looking at him. 

he just looked back at the road and put his foot to the gas. 

Skip rest of car trip: 

We finally arrived at the emergency room, suddenly I was put onto a bed and into a room and Melissa McCall came into the room with Theo who was in a blue gown with a blue head net, "Okay Y/n lets see how far you have dilated" Melissa said as she looked between your legs. 

she looked up at you with wide eyes before saying "um i think its time because I can see the top your your baby's head. Your eyes widen, This has been the fastest labour out of your first child and now. 

"I'll be right back with some nurses to help me deliver the baby" She said before leaving the room in a hurry. I look towards Theo "its gonna be okay" he said as he grabbed my hand, just then Melissa and the other nurses walked into the room, with everything that they needed. 

"alright Y/n, its time for you to start pushing." Melissa said as he positioned herself between my legs "on three push" Melissa said. I nodded as Theo came and held my hand. 

Skip rest of Labour,  After the labour: 

"you did it y/n you gave birth to our beautiful baby boy" Theo said as he kissed your forehead. as we both looked at the bundle of joy laying in my arms fast asleep. "yea you did a great job Y/N" Liam said while Theo looked at Liam "hey what about me?" He asked Liam "Yea i guess you did good too Theo" Liam said this made me laugh. 

I looked around the room and noticed  that all my friends who were more like my family were here enjoying this moment with them all. I smile at Theo who looked at me and smiled too. Damn i'm so lucky to have such a family like this, I'm glad that my kids will always have these guys. 

The END 

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