Imagine 8: When Theo Finds Out Liam Kissed You

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(I know that werewolf's cant get drunk but it happens in this imagine)

Events that happened at a party: 

You and Liam were drinking alcohol at this party you were meant to find the kid that you saw in your visions but you and Liam got side tracked. Until you saw the kid sitting in a circle playing Truth or Dare. 

you looked towards Liam and sat down in the circle with your drink in hand. "y/n i dare you to skull this bottle of vodka" someone said. I grabbed the bottle and drank every last drop. 

Suddenly Liam had me pinned up against a wall with his lips collided against mine. I kissed back before realising what was happening i pushed Liam away from me and left the party and headed home. 


its been a week since the party and I have been avoiding Liam because every time I'm close to him the memories of the party runs through my head and i feel guilty because i am with Theo and i dont want to hurt Theo. 

"Y/n we have a pack meeting right now at Scott's" Malia said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me outside towards the rest of the pack. 

I walked over to Theo who wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "Right meet at my house in 10" Scott said as Kira and himself got onto his motorbike, stiles, Liam, Malia and Hayden all got into Stiles jeep. While I got into Theo's truck when everyone drove out of the car park and towards Scotts. 

We walked into Scott's house and into the kitchen were the only spot left was Next to Liam. I sat In between Theo and Liam. You could cut the tension with a knife thats how thick it was. 

"Right Lydia and y/n you will find anything on this creature so we know what we're up against and Liam and Theo you two will go to the old mill and see if you can find any evidence of this creature" Scott said. My eyes widen but i quickly covered it up before people saw it.

The pack started to realise that you and Liam haven't been joking around as much as you normally do when you are around each other and you could see that they were getting suspicious.

After the meeting:

I need to Tell Theo the truth... 

Theo and I got into his car as we were driving back to my place since Theo moved in with me. 

"Baby you okay?" Theo asked as he looked at me before returning his eyes on the road. "Theo Pull over please" I replied he gave me a questioning look before pulling the car over to the side of the road. 

I took my seat belt off and faced Theo. 
"I need to tell you something but you need to promise me you will listen to everything before you get angry" I said as i looked at Theo. 

"Okay" he replied "Last week when Liam and i went to that party to find that kid that i had a vision about, Liam and I got drunk and we kissed, But you need to know that as soon as i realised what was happening i pushed him away and came home, i wanted to tell you sooner but i was scared, and it was a mistake" I said as tears slowly started to trail down my cheek. 

Theo sat there quiet before he cupped my cheek and made me look at him, "Babe its okay, I get it you and Liam were both drunk, but i'm allowed to be angry for awhile" He said as he looked at me, I saw the pain and hurt in his eyes briefly before he covered it up. 

Theo started up the truck and we started to drive to mine, Theo grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. 

"look i have to meet up with Liam like Scott said, Lydia said she'd be here soon" Theo said as he grabbed his car keys "Theo I'm so sorry" I said as he looked at me before he turned around and walked out.

Lydia and you were sitting on the floor with paper scattered across the floor when the rest of the pack came we found out that this creature was summoned and that he is working with the alpha pack. 

Suddenly Liam and Theo walked into the living room each with blood on their shirts and bruises on their faces. I walked slowly towards Theo and grabbed his hand, dragging him upstairs to clean him up. I pushed Theo to sit on the closed toilet seat while i grabbed the first aid kit from underneath the bathroom sink. 

"y/n I'm sorry for fighting with Liam i was angry and I guess I'm just scared that you will leave me for Liam, I mean I worked with the Dread Doctors and technically killed Scott and i don't know what i would do if you left me and i don't want to screw this up" Theo said. 

"Theo you shouldn't have to apologise because it wasn't your fault but what happened between me and Liam was a mistake and it's never gonna happen again because i love you Theo and i don't wanna lose you again and you'll never have to worry about losing me because i'm not going anywhere." I said as i cupped Theo's cheek and made him look at me.  

I saw a look of shock on his face "What?" I asked confused "Baby girl you just said the three words" Theo said as he grabbed my waist and pulled so i was Straddling his lap "Yea and i mean it" I replied as i moved my hands to the back of his neck. 

"I love you Too baby girl" Theo said before he smashed his lips to mine in a heated yet passionate kiss. he pulled away with a smile on his face. 

The End

Hope you enjoyed this imagine 

See you next <3 

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