Imagine 17: When you accuse him of trying to kill Scott

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(A/N: I know that in Teen wolf Theo technically does kill Scott, but in this he doesn't)

Warning: Make up sex,  Dom and Sub, mild swearing, oral.

You were on your way to you boyfriend Theo's house to confront him after talking to Tracy.

Tracy told you that Theo had attempted to kill Scott, your best friend. Now normally you wouldn't listen to anything Tracy tells you but this situation is different.

Once you had arrived at Theo's house, you didn't bother knocking you just walked straight in knowing that he would be sitting on the couch in the living room.

Your pov:

"Theo?" I asked as I stood in the door way of the living room, capturing his attention. " Oh hey babe what's up?" Theo asked as he paused his movie that he was watching.

"I need to ask you something and please don't lie to me" I said as Theo just nodded.

"Did you attempt to kill Scott?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He looked at me for a moment.

"Wait what? Why would I try and kill Scott?" Theo asked "i don't know that's why I'm asking you Theo because someone told me that you tried to kill him" I said as I started to raise my voice getting frustrated with him.

"Are you kidding so you came here to accuse me of trying to kill your best friend? Wow what a kick to that gut that it, from my own girlfriend, you really think that lowly of me that you would believe that I would try and kill your friend" Theo said now raising his voice at me. I could tell that he was serious and mad, because a vain in his neck was starting to show.

"I don't think lowly of you im asking because I've been told that you did and honestly I don't know who to believe" I replied trying to stay calm.

His eyes glowed "well, they look red to you?" He asked now mad, you realised that you were wrong for just accusing him and even believing Tracy.

"Who told you this anyway?" Theo asked with his eyes still glowing yellow. "Tracy, Theo I'm sorry it's just, Scott has been there for me when I needed him to be, I should never have trusted Tracy".

Theo looked at me " I need to clear my head and calm down before I lose control and I hurt you" he said before turning into the black wolf and running out of the house and into the woods.

You felt so horrible that you wouldn't trust your own boyfriend. You walked up into your room and sat on your bed.

You sat there thinking about everything when an idea popped into your head.

You grabbed your black lace bralette and matching black panties. As well as some pink fluffy handcuffs as well as a blind fold.

You were going to pleasure Theo as a way to make it up to him, besides Theo loves makeup sex especially when you take charge.

You sat on your bed waiting patiently for Theo to come back. After 20 minutes of waiting you heard the front door open. "Theo?" You called out "yea babe?" "Come up here" you replied.

He came up it was clear that he was mad but that just made you more wet. As he looked up at you his eyes widened and his mouth gaped open.

You stood up walking closer to him. "I'm sorry for not believing you and I figured I could make it up to daddy" O said as I slowly let my hand travel down his stomach.

End of pov:

You see when Theo changes from his wolf to his human form he's always naked which only makes it easier for you right now.

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