Imagine 33: Part 3 to imagine 32

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(A/N: This is probably going to be a short imagine)

Deucalion's pov:

I felt her power grow. I knew I was right it's time we attacked and made her apart of my pack. Especially since they won't be expecting it as it's been 5 weeks since we last attacked they will think that we have given up.

We were currently hiding out in an abandoned mall that had not been quite finished being built. It was pitch black I sent out Kali to lure Y/n into a trap. Kali is going to be leading her into this building while the rest of us are hiding in the shadows and waiting for the right time to come out of the shadows and convince her to become a member of my pack. 

However I gave Kali permission to abduct her if she refuses to go with her. I looked at my pack and nodded it was time to get in position. 

Y/n pov: 

I was in the woods with Theo trying to help me control my new found abilities turns out I can control 2 of the 4 elementals. The two I can control are Water and air but I can also freeze the water.

Suddenly Theo was a attacked by one of deucalion's pack members Kali. " You will come with me willingly or I'll rip out his throat" she said as she had her claw like hands near his throat starting to dig her claws in his neck drawing a little bit of blood.

I nodded "okay fine" I said as she threw him into a tree knocking  him out while she walked towards me and started to push me in the direction that she wanted me to go in.

After what felt like hours we arrived at the abandoned mall that was never finished being built "what are we doing here?" I asked however Kali never looked at me or even responded to my question she just kept walking into the building.

I knew that nothing good was going to come from this.... I just hope no one gets hurt.. maybe it be okay if Deucalion and his pack gets hurt?.

We walked in to the empty building when suddenly Deucalion and his pack came out of the shadows. "Well well well, look who finally decided to show up" he said as his eyes glowed red.

"Here's what's going to happen, you're going to be coming with us and agreeing to become a member of my pack, otherwise these guys have my permission to hurt your so called weak pack." He said as he said that we heard a voice say "i'd like to see you try and hurt one of us" Scott's voice rang through the darkness as we turned around to see the pack standing under the moon's light.

I smirked and while deucalion's pack was distracted made my way towards my pack. By the time they realised what was happening I was already standing beside Theo's side and behind Scott.

"Y/n do that thing with your water ability" he whispered I nodded and started to focus on my energy that was starting to grow stronger as it coursed through my veins and blood.

Suddenly as Deucalion's pack went to make a move a force feild of water kept them back and away from us.

My hair glowed silver while my eyes glowed a bright purple. "See here deucalion's y/n has already chosen her pack and we have all decided that it's time you and your pack leave Beacon hills before y/n makes each and everyone of you regret staying" Scott said as he he finished his sentence your water force feild grew stronger and started to push them further away.

Deucalion's and his pack scrambled away and we made sure that they left beacon hills permently.

I turned around and smiled at the pack. "Took you long enough to get here" I said as I smirked at them "oh shut up y/n" Stiles said as he punched me lightly in the arm.

We all started to walk back towards their cars when Theo pulled me behind a tree and smashed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked after we broke away from the kiss. "Just to remind you that I love you" he said as he leaned his forehead against mine.

I smiled and replied "I love you too Theo" we walked back with the others towards Theo's car hand in hand.

The end

A/n: thank you guys so much for reading this imagine so sorry that it was short and that it has taken a while it's been hectic with Christmas etc.

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