Imagine 29: Where there is love there is magic part 2 to where is the love

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(A/N: This is Part 2 to where is the love, this is also dedicated to NelaRycl, I hope you enjoy it.) 

4 weeks after meeting Melody for the first time and finding out that you had a sister and a mother. 

Nela's pov: 

My sister Melody has finally convinced me to go with her to meet our mother for the first time. I was sitting with Theo on my bed "So Melody wants me to go with her to meet my mother, but i don't know if i should" I said as i looked at Theo, " well you always wanted to know who your mother was and this is a chance for you to get answers that you need" Theo said as he sat up on my bed. 

I thought about it "Yea i guess your right, I just hope their intentions are good" I replied as i looked back at my laptop trying to translate this spell that we may need in order to help find Stiles Dad and Scott's mum. 

Theo and I were working on the spell for the last 5 hours and we still couldn't find the one we needed to help Scott and Stiles. 

Melody's POV: 

I have finally convinced Nela to come meet mum, she's so nice and caring towards her friends, but mum wants her to be like us, i never got a choice but she does, I want her with me but i know that she doesn't deserve to be forced to do black magic. "MELODY COME HERE NOW" My mother Rosanna yelled. 

"Coming" I yelled back as I started to walked down the hall of this abandoned mansion that was long forgotten in the middle of the wood in Beacon Hills.  I walked into the room my mother was in "you wanted me mother" I asked as she turned to look at me "Yes why isn't your sister Nela here yet and what is taking so long for our plan to be working" Rosanna said. 

"she's taking longer to trust me but i feel that i have managed to convince her that we just want to get to know her better and i am sure that she has no idea of your real intentions" I replied "Good, but make sure that she will need our help to find her friends parents who are missing" Rosanna said as she smirked, "Yes Mother" I replied. 

I walked into the basement of the mansion and saw my sisters friends parents "I'm really sorry" I said before using a spell making it harder for my sister Nela to find her friends parents. 

Nela's pov: 

"UGH this spell isn't working" I said frustrated and slammed the book closed. Theo, Stiles, Scott and the rest of the pack "Hey calm down we can figure something out" Theo said as he was leaning against the wall. "What if i go to my sister and mother, They might know of a stronger spell to find them" I said "No, No way we don't know if they can be trusted" Stiles said "What other choice do we have Stile they could be the only chance we have at finding your dad and Melissa" I said. 

"Okay but we go together, we will be waiting out side, Theo will go in with you" Scott said I nodded and We got ready to leave. "Nela are you sure that you want to do this?" Theo asked "Yea I mean I guess its time to finally get to know who my mother and sister really are" I replied as i turned and looked at him. "What happens if they turn out to be not what you expected?" Theo asked, "I don't know" I said as I looked at Theo. 

"Should we get going then?" Theo asked as he looked at me "Yea" I said, however I didn't make a move out of my room "Nela? whats wrong?" Theo asked "I uh I don't know, I guess I'm just nervous" i replied. "Hey look at me, it's gonna be okay" Theo said as he grabbed my hand, "come on, i'll be by your side the whole time" Theo said as he kissed me. 

Skip  car ride: 

Arrived at the abandoned mansion: 

Narrator's POV: 

Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now