Imagine 24: When Liam is overprotective of you and he threatens Theo

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Heads up: this is just going to be the conversation between Theo and Liam (so technically the reader wasn't there so this is basically a secret conversation between both boys btw it's just going  to be all in Theo's pov)

Theo's pov:
Liam and I were stuck in an elevator. Liam slammed his hand against the metal doors, "DAMN IT!"  He yelled as he pulled out his phone to try and contact someone.

"It won't work in here" I said only for Liam to look at me. " Yea well while we are stuck in here, y/n could be injured or captured by
Deucalion and his pack, all because you decided to start a fight with them, ending in y/n being their new target" Liam said looking at me like he was about to rip my throat out. (Gif above)

"Look I never meant to get her involved, I didn't think that they would go after her or anyone really" I replied as leant up against the metal wall of the small confinement with my arms crossed over my chest.

"That's just it Theo, you don't care if you get hurt, you don't think of the consequences, or that you could be putting others in danger, because you have a big freaking ego that you can't just let go of for once..." Liam paused before continuing.

"Honestly I don't see what y/n sees in you all you do is get people she cares about either killed or injured, but just know Theo if you ever hurt her intentionally or not, I will personally dig your grave and burry you alive, I meant it, she's my best friend, she's deserve so much more than what you can give her... But you still have time to change my mind about that." Liam stated as he looked at me.

Liam is right I haven't proved to him or anyone that I deserve y/n. Hell I know that she deserves better then me but I'm to selfish to let her go.

"If I prove that I love her and that I would never hurt her, will you give me a chance?" I asked after thinking about everything he said. "Yes because I know that y/n loves you and I just want the best for her" he replied not looking at me.

Wow I'm glad y/n has a friend like Liam, I wished I had a friend like that. Suddenly the elevator began to move. As we reached level 3 of the hospital. Liam and I got ready to fight who or whatever was outside these doors.

Just as we were about to fight we realised that it was Y/n and Hayden. I pulled y/n into my arms "thank God your okay" I mumbled into her hair as she wrapped her arms around me burrying her head into my chest. "Are you okay?" I asked she just nodded her head.

I kissed her forehead and held her letting her know that I would be by her side forever. "I'm sorry that I put in this mess, this is my fault" I said as we pulled away from the hug.

"Theo we all make mistakes, if we didn't make mistakes, how would we learn from them?" She asked.

I smiled at her, she always knew what to say to make me feel better. I looked over at Liam only for him to nod at me. I nodded back, I guess it's gonna take him a little longer to trust me. But that's okay.

As long as I have the girl of my dreams in my arms every night.

The end thank you for reading hoped you enjoyed.

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