Imagine 6: When Tracy Challenges You to a Fight

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(A/N) SO its been brought to my attention that Tracy had Kanima venom in her claws, which I thought was the tail, however in this imagine her venom is in her tail. Sorry for the confusion its been awhile since i watched it but thank you the readers who notified me) 

Hayden and I were sitting on the bleachers when Tracy walked over with her friend  "Hey y/n ,my friend here said that you think you could kick my butt so tonight I challenge you to a fight after school later tonight in front of the pack" Tracy said as she had her hand on her hip. 

 "fine" I replied she walked  away with her friend. as she walked away, Liam, Mason, Corey and Theo walked past her and towards Hayden and I. 

"hey" all the boys say as they sat down beside us, "So what did Tracy want?" Mason asked making all the boys look at us, Hayden and i looked at each other "Tracy.." "Nothing..." we both said at the same time. 

"So which one is it Tracy what or its nothing?" Theo asked looking at the both of us "Its nothing" I replied while Hayden shook her and got up off of the bleachers and walked back towards the car park. 

Suddenly Liam's phone buzzed signalling that he was getting a call. He got up and took Theo with him. 

Skip rest of school. 

I was walking towards the place that Tracy had suggested when Mason, Liam, Corey, Hayden and Theo were walking beside me. "So you lied earlier, Tracy wants you to fight her?" Theo asked. 

"So what, I can look after myself besides, I am a Elite Hunter" I replied while walking closer towards Tracy who was standing in the middle of the pack who had now created a circle around us. She was wearing a black sports Bra and grey Gym pants, I was also wearing a blue sports bra and Black Gym pants. 

"didn't think you would  show" Tracy said with a smirk, "Yea well we all know i never run from a fight" I replied with a smirk while Liam and Mason were laughing because of the time Tracy ran from a fight with the Alpha pack. 

Tracy's smirk dropped from her face. "So are we gonna fight or are we just gonna stand here and talk?" I asked. 

Tracy lunged at me but i ducked and kicked her legs from underneath her making her face plant into the muddy ground. She got up fast and used her claws and slashed my arm. she looked Pleased "Really i thought this was a no weapons" i asked as i felt blood running down my arm. 

the fight went on for another 10 minutes before it finally ended. While you were both fighting you could see Theo's head going from side to side as if he was watching a tennis match. (Like in gif above).

Tracy came running at me when I  used  her speed against her, knocking her off of her feet and making her land on her back, when i put my heel into her throat and looked down at her with a smirk on my face. 

"I think we know that y/n can definitely fight and she kicked your arse Tracy" Hayden said as  i take my foot off of her throat and walked over towards Hayden who high five me, "Come on lets head home" Liam said as people started to head back towards their cars and motorcycles. I stopped walking and looked back to see that Tracy was sitting with her back pressed against the tree and her head in her hands. "Hey guys i'll meet you back at Scott's, There's something i need to do first" I said as i looked at Liam, Hayden, Mason and Corey. They all nodded and continued to walk towards Mason's silver car. 

I walked back towards Tracy and sat down beside her. "What do you want y/n?" Tracy asked as she wiped her face before looking up at me. "Look I know we have had our differences and tonight showed that to the whole pack not that it was a secret but i was wondering if you're okay because you didn't walk beside your friends?" I asked as i looked up at the darkening sky where there were a few stars shinning. "I don't know why you care Y/n but they kicked me out because they think i'm weak all because you won the fight" Tracy said as she looked at me. As i looked into her eyes i realised shes not a cold hearted bitch after all. 

"Tracy your not weak in fact your probably one of the hardest opponents that i have fought with in a while, there's a few things you need to improve on, but if you really want i can help you be better then your friends and if we're being honest i'm kinda sick of this petty shit that we have been doing its kinda pathetic on both yours and my part." I said as I Stood up and held my hand out for her to grab. 

Tracy grabbed my hand and I pulled her up off of the ground. "We are good right?" I asked as i let go of her hand. "yea we're good, thank you Y/n, i just have one question why are you being nice to me?" She asked. I thought about it for a while. "because i know what it feels like to try and prove myself to people who don't believe in me, But Tracy if your friends kick you out or don't believe in you are they even your true friends?" i asked "I guess not" She replied as she walked towards her car. "Thanks again Y/n See you at school tomorrow" She said i waved and watched as she drove off.

I turned around and walked towards this bridge that had a little stream running underneath it and sat down while i thought about somethings. "What are you still doing out here?" I heard a voice say behind me, making me jump. "Theo you scared the shit out of me" I said as i put my hand on my beat heart, "Sorry, but what are you doing here?" He asked as he took a seat beside me as we looked out towards the woods and to have the moon light shinning on the stream. 

"I saw Tracy, she was upset because her friends kicked her out of their pack.." I was cut off by Theo "Yea i know i heard the whole conversation, i wasn't trying to listen in but i was waiting to talk to you and i just over heard." He said I just nodded as i looked up and stared at the stars shinning in the sky and the moon. 

"why are you out here?" I asked as i looked at Theo "I wanted to talk to you about something actually i wanted to ask you something" Theo said as he looked into my eyes. 

"sure go ahead i'm listening" I said as I fully faced Theo "Look the truth is Y/n I have had feelings for you since the very first time we met and You made me want to do better to be better and I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. I would never hurt you because the truth is I love you and at first it scared me but the more i got to know you the less scared i became. So Y/N Y/L/N will you do me the honours of Being my girl?" Theo asked as he looked into your eyes. 

you saw his emotions and the way the moon light reflected in his eyes you knew he wasnt lying. You smiled at Theo and Lent into him before connecting your lips with his. Your hands went around his neck while one of his hands went around your waist pulling you closer and the other cupping your cheek and running his thumb against your cheek.  "Does that answer your question?" I asked as i pulled away from him he smirked and kissed my forehead "Yep" he replied with a smile. 

The END 

I will be updating twice a week however it will change when Uni starts back.

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